Amazing job! This can absolutely change lives regardless of whether parents ever drank.or not... simply tools to.unlearn any learned behaviors. Emdr is also amazing and lots of you tube clips by psychiatrists about how yo process, root cause, etc...
It’s a book in most libraries
ACA Fellowship Text, Hard Cover edition, was written by anonymous ACA members providing guidance on working the 12 Step ACA program leading to recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. The book is now often referred to as the "Big Red Book", or "BRB".
Hardcover. Sold individually.
ISBN 978-0-9789797-0-6
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1) It looks like the above quote is from a non-official book. ACA/ACoA does teach you the skills to "detach" if that is part of your recovery, and there is no reason to wait until you do so to join an ACA group.
2) Yes, but not for free. There are kindle and pub versions of the BRB available and there is a good amount of the most important literature on the official website.
3) Some people continue attending meetings long after they feel they have changed their lives in order to share their strength, hope, and encouragement with others. How long change takes is an individual thing. Some ACAs come in early in their journey, still carrying a heavy burden of denial and unwillingness. Others arrive with their feet already on the path and ready to walk it. Some people feel they need wait a year or two to get a sponsor and work the steps. Others begin after only a handful of meetings, though some of this group may stall out at step 4. There are no promises or guarantees of timing. My experience is that I made more progress in my first 6 months of ACA and ACA stepwork than I had in the previous 5 years. It was a huge and noticeable shift. If you are hungry for change and ready to sit with the pain and discomfort of clarity and change, then you should see a difference pretty quickly. Those changes also have to be maintained. You are not a broken toy that needs to be glued back together, you are a whole person learning to outgrow and replace deep survival habits that no longer serve you. Learning new ways to live is the first part of recovery, holding on to those new ways of life when things are challenging is the rest of it.
Absolutely! Here it is - there is also a hardcover version, but this is the softcover.
and here it is on Amazon - I downloaded the Kindle version: