You're definitely not schizophrenic dude. You appear sound and have a very sobering outlook on life.
If you're honestly worried about having schizophrenia, I'd suggest spending some time reading about what living with schizophrenia is actually like. It can be really eye-opening to view the world from the perspective of someone who has lived with, or lived around, someone with schizophrenia.
If you're a reader I'd recommend the book: "After Schizophrenia: The Story of How My Sister Got Help, Got Hope, and Got on with Life after 30 Years in Her Room".
After Schizophrenia is non-fiction book and is written by Margaret Hawkins, the sister of a woman who developed schizophrenia in her early twenties after being a seemingly out-going, personable young woman. Hawkins details the changes she witnesses in her sister as she delves further and further into the catatonic disillusionment that is schizophrenia. The book chronicles Hawkins life as she ultimately becomes her sister's main dependant for the rest of her life, aiding her sister in her struggles with schizophrenia.