Evansova plava knjiga je super, mada je malo poteska za svarit nekad sam citajuci imao osjecaj da je nesto sto objasnjava na 20 stranica moglo da stane na 5 stranica.
Knjiga od Lisa Crispin iJanet Gregory - Agile Testing mi je jedna od omiljenih, starija je knjiga ali se iznenadjujuce dobro drzi kako vrijeme prolazi:
Same response as I just gave someone else:
Sorry for the slow response. I guess I'd look around for any local courses on software testing. There's no shortage of online courses as well, can't say if they are good or not. I'd look for a mentor who can help you within the company or in another firm. I wouldn't worry about leadership just yet, focus on the job right in front of you. I'd recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Testing-Practical-Guide-Testers/dp/0321534468
Agile Testing is solid on principles. Don't be scared of the agile label, it's a sound foundation for understanding test automation.
I'm not sure what you mean by "from a DevOps perspective" though. To use an extreme example, if the test engineers are writing Selenium tests and running them locally in a QA silo, reading a book about modern test automation isn't going to help you communicate with them.
You'll be showing up in a tuxedo to find everyone else is wearing jeans and an old Mickey Mouse t-shirt. Yes, you're both wearing pants and your torso is covered, but that's about where the common ground ends.
I concur with learning a programming language, however I disagree with learning python, not that isn't a bad idea to learn it, but for automation I would suggest ruby actually....as a lot of the automated testing uses ruby (or ruby on the backend)...it's a pretty easy language to learn.
Automation is HOT right now, literally I get people adding me on linkedin JUST because I put "automation" or "selenium" on there. It's crazy at how in demand it is.
It's actually really not that bad to learn either, my programming is Rusty (I also graduated with a CS degree like 7 years ago) so you probably still have the "ability" to pick it back up easily.
I'd also suggest this book on agile testing : https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Testing-Practical-Guide-Testers/dp/0321534468 It's a pretty well-known and referenced book.
As for Automation i'd suggest trying it out on an External Site and using Capybara with Selenium AND Poltergeist drivers. Capybara is a DSL and helps sort of...shorten the commands needed per driver (Such as click_button in all Drivers as opposed to using Seleniums driver specific button clicking method).
Poltergeist is a headless driver that uses Phantomjs, so it's perfect for Continuous Integration (Recruiters love that word). So it's worth learning to say you know how to write automated tests for a CI environment.
If you have any questions on automation let me know, I do it everyday as a QA where I work.
YouTube channels:
Tools: Really depends on your project IMO but I’ve found Charles Proxy to be very useful and using mindmaps to plan my testing
For testing in an Agile environment; would like to Recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Testing-Practical-Guide-Testers/dp/0321534468
If you also have devops, this book is also good: https://leanpub.com/testingindevops
Sorry for the slow response. I guess I'd look around for any local courses on software testing. There's no shortage of online courses as well, can't say if they are good or not. I'd look for a mentor who can help you within the company or in another firm. I wouldn't worry about leadership just yet, focus on the job right in front of you. I'd recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Testing-Practical-Guide-Testers/dp/0321534468
Also anything by James Bach or Cem Kaner should be good.
this book has helped me a lot: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Testing-Practical-Guide-Testers/dp/0321534468/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=agile+testing&qid=1603886912&sr=8-1
even if you do not buy it, googling the contents will give you some very useful aspects.
I think, just to be more accurate, you mean agile testing, but I understand where you are coming from. Here are two: