For the inside of your house you can get a air ionizer to get the smell out of your house. It’s what the pros use. Follow directions it takes the oxygen out of the air but it works.
Airthereal MA5000 Commercial Generator 5000mg/h Ozone Machine Home Air Ionizers Deodorizer for Rooms, Smoke, Cars and Pets, Blue
Pet smell not the pet.
Ok so to clarify, if I got something like the below linked ozone generator, you’re saying to run it ~2x a week for not very long at a low setting while monitoring the CO2 levels, turn it off, then wait 30mins until CO2 levels are normal, then the tVOCs should be at safe levels without having to constantly open/leave open my doors and and windows? I think it’s the ventilation in my apt though and clean air isn’t entering easily… my only concern would be O3 drifting into other apts at clouding at unsafe levels for them… and it would be tough to evacuate my whole floor lol… maybe UV is better? OR could I really generate at super low levels with the below and see it still work?
Something like that may help..not sure but I follow a contractor on YouTube that had a nasty renter and he used something similar
I'm thinking of maybe running an ozone machine (like this one) near the air intake for a bit to see if that helps. Would that be a bad idea for any reason?
I'd of course leave the apartment for a while since you shouldn't breathe that stuff.
An ozone machine can get rid of smoke smell. You set it up and let it run a couple hours while you are not home, and it will strip out all kinds of bad odors.
But, you got a bad landlord, that carpet should have been replaced it if stinks of ciggarete smoke.
Not sure where you live, but an ozone machine for an apartment sized space is less than a hundred dollars US.
I have one almost like this, it removed cat pee smell from an apartment, and removed smoke smell from a car.
The conventional wisdom on here when it comes to cigarette smells is to get an Ozone Generator.
$54.99 in 2019. Lost that to the flood in September.
Bought a replacement last month for $55.99 during the holidays as it was on sale.
I’ve also used it in my basement but only before we go on a trip and no one will be home for more than a few days.
There’s a timer on it and I would hold my breath and close my eyes before turning it on. Now, I either use a long extension cord and turn it on before plugging in the extension cord when doing the car or use a smart plug when doing the basement. Thinking about using it in an outdoor shed to treat suits in the future.
Posting a followup to this for anyone else asking the same question:
I purchased an ozone generator off of Amazon and ran a power cord through the door. I ran it twice, once in the passenger cabin (between the two front seats) and again in the trunk itself with the rear seats folded down.
Between runs, I opened all the doors and windows in the car and ran a box fan in to further ventilate the cabin. After the second run, I rolled down all the windows of the car and drove it around the neighborhood to further ventilate.
My car smells like ozone still but it's infinitely better than rotting meat and will fade over time.
An ozone generator like this will eventually pull the smell out. You will have to open the van for a while before you go back in. This is strong enough to cause damage to you.
Limited-time deal: Airthereal MA5000 Commercial Ozone Generator, 5000mg/h O3 Machine Home Air Ionizers Deodorizer for Rooms, Smoke, Cars and Pets, Blue
I thought so too. Until I saw this: Airthereal MA5000 Commercial Ozone Generator, 5000mg/h O3 Machine Home Air Ionizers Deodorizer for Rooms, Smoke, Cars and Pets, Blue
I got this one on Amazon:
We ripped out the carpet, primed with Kilz and repainted all walls and ceilings and did the ozone in every room. Absolutely no smell now.
+1 for the ozone generator, I got one on Amazon after a small fire it is on sale right now:
You can buy one for around $70 upwards into the $200 range. Here is a link to one that is around $70. I'd make sure that no one is in the vehicle and run the cord through the closed door.
Have you ever seen or heard of an ozone generator?:
It can break down the odor causing chemicals into their base compounds. They are often used to reduce and eliminate pet odors, smoking odors, and smells from sewage leaks. It may also work for you.
You'd set it up, open all the cabinet doors, and leave the house, taking any pets with you. You do not want to be inhaling ozone. After the treatment, you can return with an hour or two.
Get one of these, close the door and stay out for a few hours -
Big ozone generators have dropped in price. I bought one and it worked for removing a moldy smelling hallway. No breathing the ozone while it's in the air though.
We had a very similiar issue and a few rounds of an OZONE machine cleared it out 99%
I bought this one: Airthereal MA5000 Commercial...
It works great! I run it for 15 - 20 minutes after each trip. Gets rid of all scents and odors. I was dubious but it does work.
Let your landlord know. I have used an ozone generator to eliminate smells like this.
Wow, thank you so much for the extensive information!! I'm trying to think through all of the possibilities and options...
I doubt getting the apartment downstairs vacated is an option, at least now, so it sounds like ozone and thermal fogging are out.
It sounds like chlorine dioxide gas or a hydroxl generator are your next highest recommendations. I searched for the CD gas online & this product is largely all I see - Biocide Room Shocker, but it is pretty poorly rated with a lot of folks saying it does not work. Is there another brand that you recommend?
As far as a hydroxyl generator, if the odor is urine (vs. mold or something else), would this be effective? They are very expensive but it looks like I could rent one (still pricey too).
Side note-When I looked at hydroxyl generators on Amazon, this was advertised - Airthereal Commercial Ozone Generator. I'm pretty confused because it says that you only need to leave while the generator is running and 30 minutes afterward. Is it not a "real" ozone generator?? Vacating for 2.5 hours is much more possible than 48-72 hrs, but it makes me doubtful about how well it works/if it's the real deal.
Also I should clarify they only Kilz'd the bedroom floor, then installed new padding & carpet over it. The living room & dining room are hardwood floor, not Kilz'd.
Can you speak to how Nok Out, Odoban and OSR compare if I was going to try using one of these on the floors (like mopping with it) as a first measure?
Thank you again for all of the suggestions and insight!
Same thing happened to me. Get this, overnight it> Airthereal MA5000 Commercial...
2 40min treatments did the trick. Read up on the dangers of ozone first
Same thing used car dealers use to deodorize a car, works wonders
Wrong sub but you want to get one of these or something similar. Don't be in the room while you are using it.
try an ozone generator. careful ozone is basically gaseous bleach. Excessive ozone can damage stuff. This costs 60 dollars
I honestly can't tell you exactly how long you would need to use it, but I will tell you what I have done.
The last major time I used my ozone machine for was to get the smell out of a 1800 sq/ft house where the renters had a couple of dogs and they smoked quite a bit. I have (this machine)[]. Over the course of 1 weekend, I would set it for 60-90 minutes in one area, I would leave the house for 3-4 hours and then stop back by and move it to another area. I was able to do 3 areas on Saturday. The 3rd time I moved it on Saturday, I put it in the large living room/kitchen area and put it on its longest setting which was 2 hours. I came back on Sunday afternoon and put it in the Master bedroom and bath area and did 60 minutes. I got busy and didn't go back till late in the evening so I set it on the 2 hour setting in the hall between the 2 guest bedrooms and 2nd bath and went home for the night. I picked it up on Monday morning and that was it. The dog smell and the smoke smell was all gone. So 1800 sq/ft of space, took 2 days, but I was going back and forth and probably could have done it in less time if it was the only thing I was doing.
The machine I have has a timer. The only way to turn it on is to twist the dial to the amount of time you want to set it on. It works just like a kitchen timer. At the end of the time, it automatically shuts off, so you would just need to figure out how long you need to stay out of the area. There are many differing opinions on how long you should wait before going back into the room, I would suggest checking the manual that comes with the machine, because I am not an expert in O3, just a former hotel employee that saw them being used and happened to remember them when I later got into real estate.
It is a crazy difference that these things can make, but you definitely do not want to put yourself at risk by exposing you, your family or your pets to O3 by not waiting long enough for the O3 to dissipate. Definitely do some research and don't ever risk your health because some other Redditor told you it was the best thing to do. I personally think the machine is worth its weight in gold and as far as I know, it hasn't caused me any issues and I just followed the directions and warnings that came with the machine. Note it can only remove the smell from where the gas can get to, which is most places, but if you have layers upon layers of nicotine and tar, you might want to give the room a quick cleaning 1st and definitely vacuum after.
Also, those plug-ins are oil based, they only smell good for a little while, but they are only masking the odor not changing it and because they are oil, they are probably making it easy for the bad smell to stick around because they are coating the entire area.
So anyways, that is my experience using it. If you want the TLDR version - It has a timer, set it for 2 hours, it will turn its-self off, turn a fan on to circulate the air. Come back the next day. Open all the windows and let the fan keep going to let fresh air circulate. If you still have the smoke smell later on, repeat step 1. If it works, great! If it doesn't (it will) send it back to Amazon or where-ever you got it from and get your money back.
I think this is the link being referred to: ^((but there's something wrong with reddit right now and to me that shows) ^(comment is missing)^(.))
In the link there is a reference to this machine by Airthereal being owned.
In looking at Amazon, it seems that this one by Enerzen, nearly the same price, is also highly recommended.
I bought this and it worked great for my just over 1050 sqft townhouse. a couple of 4 hour cycles - set the timer for 120 minutes run the HVAC fan plugged in the unit . 4 hours later opened up the windows, repeat a few days later.
Been using one for years. Look on Amazon,
And read about them. Many to choose from.
They can be. I bought this one on amazon. It was only $59 and good for 5000 hours of use.