I think you mean FLAVOUR and FLAVOUR is awesome.
Everyone should own a bag of MSG. That shit takes good food and makes it great.
For $6.11 you can turn good soup into great soup. Most other foods benefit as well.
unsponsored Amazon link ^
I use it like a spice. Sprinkle it on with whatever else I’m adding like garlic powder, pepper, etc. I add it into rubs and breading and it makes everything more delicious.
Also, I’d recommend getting your msg from an Asian grocery store. Much better bang for your buck. The brand I’m familiar with is called Ajinomoto
If you can order on Amazon, ajinomoto is MSG, and it's really inexpensive for the quantity you get. ()[https://www.amazon.com/Ajinomoto-Monosodium-Glutamate-Umami-Seasoning/dp/B00IH28XDE/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1C4V052ZK2U4I&keywords=ajinomoto&qid=1665783164&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0Ljc0IiwicXNhIjoiNC4yMCIsInFzcCI6IjQuMDgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=ajinomoto%2...]
You can buy it on Amazon with free Prime shipping here. I usually get Ajinomoto brand from Japan.
If you look for ajinomoto on Amazon you’ll get more results. This is the first result.
And if you have an asian supermarket nearby the usually have the same bags.
I'm talking about taste not safety.
Look I'm not some MSG conspiracy theorist who thinks that it's gives you cancer or some other shit. I use this stuff every day and I'm well aware it's already in lots of foods like mushrooms. Also glutamine is an essential amino acid so you're gonna need to eat it in some form anyways.
I could understand if somebody really likes MSG and wants to use 10-20x more than I do. But if this guy is really using MSG by the bucket full that is at least two orders of magnitude higher. This is usually the largest packet they come in. Notice that it's 1 lb (already 10x what I use in a year). A "container of MSG as big as a baby" would be more than 10lbs! That is just a whole another playing field. That guy's using restaurant levels of this stuff while cooking for himself! That level of consumption is unheard of!
If you've ever cooked with this stuff, you'll know that you don't need very much. And like with any other spice, if you put in too much, it will just taste artificial and weird. This is way beyond "I like the taste of it" and more like "I'm addicted". "Cook to taste" will only get you so far, and if you're using as much as OP claims you must either have really bad taste or killed most of your taste-buds.
I bought a bag of this two years ago and it is still going strong. Use it like salt when you want a little more umami in your dish. Really great stuff!
Most stores around me stock it. If that's not the case for you, I'd recommend Amazon. It's probably the best resource I can find for finding weird, exotic, or otherwise hard to find ingredients.
You know you can get it for $6.67/lb on Amazon, right?
Stop buying microwave popcorn in those bags. Just buy a giant bag of regular popping corn and pop it in a paper sandwich bag.
Want to up your game? Use MSG instead of salt. This will rock your world.
Actually I just decided to check amazon.
1 pound of it for 7.50, or I can get it in a shaker, 3.5 ounces for 8.50.
Grabbing a pound and using my own shaker, MSG is such a nice flavoring.
For those who have yet to discover pure MSG
You can buy it in some hispanic/asian grocery stores as Ajinomoto.
I'd recommend Aji No Moto brand. They're the same exact thing, but yours is over $15 for two pounds; mine is $6 for one pound.
Yep. Growing up, my grandmother referred to it by one of the brand names, Ajinomoto, I had no idea it was actually MSG. http://www.amazon.com/Ajinomoto-Monosodium-Glutamate-Umami-Seasoning/dp/B00IH28XDE
Asian market or amazon.
Disclaimer: haven't bought any myself yet, got that amazon recommendation from an other post
Aji No Moto Ajinomoto Monosodium Glutamate Umami Seasoning 454g / 1LB / 16oz HALAL
You are so right and I just ordered some from Amazon.
I can't believe I can buy it on Amazon now.
You may be right. And now I see that I can buy it at Amazon
Sure it's no meaty beef stew, but it is surprisingly delicious and hearty. It's basically vegetable broth with cabbage for some crunch and texture, plus mirepoix. You could add whatever veggies you wanted in addition as well.
Also this makes everything delicious, and reduces the amount of fat/sodium you'd otherwise use to make it tasty!
Here ya go: Aji No Moto Ajinomoto Monosodium Glutamate