Scrying: seeing from afar. Usually just far in distance, sometimes far in time.
So you sitting wherever you are, now, and seeing what's happening in the Bat Cave without technological means is far-seeing.
Seeing what happens next week is fore-seeing.
The key is that if you know exactly what is going to happen, you can slip around attacks (close or barely), but simply going to a foreseen conclusion can be boring. The Alex Verus series pulls off someone who scries very well, and makes it so that it isn't something to trump everything.
But I definitely get you.
There's always elemental control, including such things as Light, Order, or Holiness (and Dark, Chaos, or Evil).
Maybe he's druid-like, so metamorphosis? Gaining new animal (or nature-derived) powers, mixing and matching them as time goes on? Starts out as a hawk, could end up as a huge dragon sort of thing?
Not the protagonist, but one of the major character in the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka has luck based magic.