100% I was introduced to this book some years ago. I learned a lot from it and it helped shape a lot of my views and doubts. All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror
Also for those that are interested in an in-depth look is the book All the Shah's Men. A great detailed account of these events.
Yup lol.
If somehow people don't know about this already, I'd recommend "All the Shah's men" by Stephen Kinzer that explains it all
Most of the info here comes from the book All the Shah's Men. It's an excellent read and I highly recommend it.
Everyone interested should read All the Shah's Men
I read 'All The Shah's Men' by Stephen Kinzer back in university, and I thought it was pretty informative.
You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/All-Shahs-Men-American-Middle/dp/047018549X
All the Shah's Men is a great book about American interventions in Iran and it's aftermath(s). https://www.amazon.com/All-Shahs-Men-American-Middle/dp/047018549X
Charlie Wilson's War (the book) is the amazing tale about how US got involved in Afghanistan. very well researched and fun to read. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=charlie+wilson%27s+war
There is a free lecture course given by a Stanford professor "History of the International System" if he'd prefer to listen. free on iTunes, and i'd imagine elsewhere https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/history-of-the-international-system/id384240428?mt=10
Check out All the Shah's Men by Stephen Kinzer. It's an easy and compelling read which ought to raise many questions and spur further curiosity on the subject. If you get through that, try giving this gem a go. It's an easy read that give a sweeping overview of religious developments through the region. Many debatable points made by the author, but an easy starting point to branch out from.
I don't rant much on the topic. Generally the ranting people are oversimplifying matters and attempting to reconcile their personal bias with reality. Be attentive of the people willing to step back and question what they think they know about this diverse region.
Working through the German tree on Duolingo and reading All the Shah's Men.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/047018549X is an excellent book on the subject
This was the CIA's first coup. After they realized how cost efficient it was to overthrow governments for a few million dollars they went nuts all around the globe overthrowing governments in the 50s and 60s.
Over 60 years later and the damage to US-Iran relations from this coup still is an issue.
I recommend these just as general Iran books. All of them touch on the Revolution a good bit and will help you understand Iran better:
All the Shah's Men It does get a bit boring at parts but will help your overall understanding of Iran/the Revolution.
Shah This is another must read to understand the revolution and Iran. This touches on the Constitutional Revolution as well. The Ayatollah Begs to Differ One of the best books about Iran I have ever read. The author (Hooman Majd) has a good bit of "insider" access to some Iranian elites and offers a unique perspective on Iran.
A must see documentary in my opinion is The Queen and I An Expat Irani and the Last Queen (Farah) of Iran. Very interesting and shows a whole new perspective to it all.
I also strongly recommend the videos about the topic found on youtube. There are countless options on the site, most of which have been very reliable in my experiences.
PS Tell me more about your studies. History scholars are always of great interest.
/u/drunkentune just did for the history surrounding Operation Ajax and the overthrow of Mosadegh: All the Shah's Men
But for the entire thing, from the late 40s up until the last Iraq war, I don't know any book, sorry.
If I am a "crazed conspiracy theorist" ...
Then what does that make you?
So far it looks like they can't do better than Mubarak. I guess Obama's rolodex doesn't have any good names in it.
It's all a "conspiracy" though ... absolutely ... for certain. No truth here whatsoever.
You should read All the Shah's Men, it's a real eye opener.
Yes, well since we can't leave the Iranians alone, what with all that we are doing to destablize Iran, I suppose the Israelis and its host (the US) could find some dupe stupid enought to think the destabilization of his country was domestic instead of being created from the outside. But, I seriously doubt it.