Something like these help tremendously in a variety of situations. Definitely one of those tools you buy hoping to never have to use, but when you need them you're glad you did.
Amartisan Impact Bolt Extractor Tool, 13PC Bolt Nut Removal Extractor Socket Tool Set
I've used these from Amazon to remove rounded/rusted nuts from my 2012.
Amartisan Impact Bolt Extractor Tool, 13PC Bolt Nut Removal Extractor Socket Tool Set.
This is what I'd reach for.
You may wanna try sonething like this:
Amartisan Impact Bolt Extractor Tool, 13PC Bolt Nut Removal Extractor Socket Tool Set
Is this the"extractor" you're taking about? Amartisan Impact Bolt Extractor Tool, 13PC Bolt Nut Removal Extractor Socket Tool Set
Amartisan Impact Bolt Extractor Tool, 13PC Bolt Nut Removal Extractor Socket Tool Set
A bolt extractor (special sockets, with a curved sharp edge inside, that you hammer on to damaged bolts/nuts, and that grip tighter as you turn them) might work.
Get a 12point socket and hammer into it and turn it. It works for 80% and 12point socket are easy to find in almost any auto store.
For the last 20%, get a set of fancy Bolt Extractor Tool (, just beware this can grip the bolt hardly and even break the bolt into two piece, so turn it gently once you have grip.