Then click on see more plans and choose the monthly one
This says 10,99 dollars per month. There are 12 months in a year which makes this 131,88 dollars per year which is 91.44 pounds.
And now that i see it: It's for two day shipping. In Germany it's usually "next morning".
There are daily sales for prime members you can find from a link right at the top of the page.
Every year there are also periodic sales that prime members get earlier and more access to limited items.
sign up, get 1 month free of amazon prime and cancel after you have watched the doc. You get to keep the full month regardless, just remember to cancel right away after you sign up.
I did this when i was in a similar situation and a documentary i wanted to watch was no where to be found.
If you are not in USA (like me) the doc may be region specific so you may need a VPN to spoof locaiton in USA.
Pro tip - if you are shopping at Amazon and the listing has a Prime logo on it (even if you don't have a Prime membership)- then it is much safer than a listing without that logo (usually third party sellers).
You have to sign up for Prime membership which is $99/yr. However, there is a 30 day free'd just have to make sure to cancel it before the 30 days is up or incur the $99 membership fee.
Actually since she's a college student, she can apply for the Prime Student account. Almost half the amt per month, and currently it's 6 month free 'cause Sprint donates money or something.
Also please tell anyone you know too; I'm using it and it's so great.
> I have about ~ 1 TB of camera RAWs to backup
If it's just RAW photos, get an Amazon Prime membership, which lets you upload unlimited photos (including RAWs) for free. If you share it with 5 other people, it can be as low as $1.38 USD a month.
Prime is a service from amazon. You pay them monthly/yearly and you get free 2 day shipping on just about all your purchases from them plus some other stuff. Not really worth it for you would be my guess.
Step 1 - Be a member of Amazon Prime
Step 2 - Download WaPo app from the app store
Step 3 - Sign in into the app using Amazon credentials, it should prompt you for the subscription charge after 6 months.
You're a student. I highly recommend getting Amazon Prime Student.
It's seriously inexpensive and will help with your supplies, books, etc. You get 2 day shipping (For free) and rush shipping is pretty cheap if you want to overnight it, so getting food is fast and easy. You can set up reoccurring shipments of food as well.
Plus food is very well priced on there.
That might work, but it won't sound as good as a clean feed from the board. And the cable you suggested is likely to have an impedance hum, if you can hear anything at all.
It might be worth it to sign up for Amazon Prime, so you can get the Hosa MIT-156 with free two day shipping.
Again, hope this is helpful!
Amazon doesn't say in any of their advertisements or on the Amazon Prime page that the "Two day delivery" is "estimated delivery two-day shipping." There isn't even a asterisk and fine print clarifying it. If you go to check-out and look at the options, I think now they will no longer call it "Two-day delivery" and instead call it "Priority Shipping," which is an improvement, but they haven't stopped burying the details for the Prime program in the fine print on some rules and conditions page. I honestly think some misleading advertising lawsuit might have a shot at working.
Except that if you look at the Prime benefits it says "Two Day Shipping" not "Two Business Day Shipping".
Also, nearly half of the packages I've ordered in the last year have arrived late, even only counting business days.
> Prime really needs a monthly option because there is bound to be more folks like me that will sign up for a free month every 6 months and watch the few things they are interested in. I'd be happy to pay 10 a month but I'm not goi g to pay 100 to watch Orphan Black and the Americans.
They do provide monthly options nowadays, it is $10.90/month for full Prime or $8.90/month for Prime Video only.
Click the "See more plans" button on the Amazon Prime signup page to see the options.
God damnit i just got done Drawing up a info thread that I spent a half hour on D:
Ahh well here it is, still got some useful info.
What is Prime Day? Prime Day is a One Day Only Global Event for Amazon Prime Members with "More deals than Black Friday". All Prime members (free trial, household members, Amazon Mom, Amazon Student, etc.) are eligible.
Sounds Great, Tell Me More!
Prime Day is on July 15th and begins at Midnight PDT and continues for the Entire Day, with sales and savings across a wide variety of products like electronics, toys, video games, movies, clothing, etc.
There will also be Deals of the Day and Lightning Deals(timed deals that only last until they sell out) with new Lightning Deals popping up as often as every 10 minutes!
No worries! You can get a <em>Free 30-day trial</em> to Prime right here!
You can also get a 6-Month Trial to Amazon Prime if you have .edu email address and you will get Prime for 50% off after the trial is over! You can also get a Friend/Family member to add you to their Prime as a Household Member and get access to the deals as well!
Yes! Keep a eye on your Credit Card's Promotional Rates to get some cashback on your purchases, Discover& Amazon Prime Store Card Users are reporting that you can get 5% back on Amazon Purchases.
Prepare your F5 button and glue yourself to the Today's Deals Page, this subreddit sorted by the most recent posts as well as the Slickdeals Hot Deals forum sorted by the most recent posts.
You can also use Sortbyprime's handy little tool to try and find some awesome deals buried elsewhere on Amazon.
There is no way(currently) for us to know what is and what isn't going to be marked down and how much. If what you are looking for is already at a good discount I see no reason to pass it up for a chance that it might be discounted again on Prime Day. Let's not forgot that you will also be fighting with thousands and thousands of other people trying to grab those deals as they come up and you may not even have a chance to checkout before they are all gone.
You are going to want to setup your 1-click settings so you can hit that button and checkout instantly and greatly increase your chances of getting a good deal. Other than that and your F5 key, I can only wish you the best of luck.
Ahah, remember that Store Card I mentioned earlier? It is a Amazon-only Credit Card that allows you to get special(interest-free for 6 months w/$149 or more or 12 months w/$599 or more purchased) financing on your purchases and you get a $10 Gift Card upon approval to boot! You can read more about it and apply here. Be sure to read through all the Terms and Conditions and make sure you will be able to pay it off within the interest-free window to avoid the ludicrous interest rate of 25.99%
I just recently moved back to Canada after living in the US for four years. Getting used to the difference between the .com and .ca Amazons has been painful.
Obviously, the .ca selection is terrible in comparison, and you have to be a little careful with the price. I always check out this website to see the long term price fluctuations and make sure I'm actually getting a deal.
In the US I was living in a State that didn't have a distribution centre until 2014, so I wasn't paying taxes on my purchases until late in the game. Now, I always do a comparison check with the brick & mortar stores to see if it's easier to just physically stop somewhere and buy it.
Finally, Amazon Prime. What a joke. In the US, it's actually a pretty good deal. The 2-day shipping is usually 2 days, plus the US postal service delivers on the weekends. You get the added benefits of a whole series of subscription services, so you're getting use out of your Prime when you're not ordering stuff. In Canada? You get a 20% off diaper service.
Edit: Of course you get two day shipping in Canada. However, the Canadian Postal service doesn't deliver on the weekends like they do in the States. Nor do I find they manage to always meet the two day target. Most of what I shop for I don't immediately need, so I tend to focus on the benefits beyond the shipping - which are almost non-existant in Canada. I purchased a Amazon Echo while I was down there, which has very limited function in Canada without access to the features provided by US Prime.
Yes, that sounds so hard to imagine. No one would ever pay money for a discount. They certainly wouldn't pay money for "free" shipping. Good thing we have you here to keep us honest.
its $99/yr though , not $99 per month.
Cosas no tan turísticas que tal vez te interesen (o a algunos del grupo) en NY:
Edit: Más tips
Con las MetroCard ilimitadas tenés que dejar pasar 18 minutos para usarla en la misma estación. Si ya pasaste del lado del andén y otro del grupo se quedó trabado antes de pasar (tardás en acostumbrarte a que velocidad/ritmo hay que pasar la tarjetita) no vayas del otro lado a ayudarlo porque después no vas a poder volver al andén.
Edit 2:
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Name: <em>Champion Men's Powerblend Retro Fleece Jogger Pant</em>.
Price: $16.19 - $52.50
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
You could sign up for a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime, and get free 2-day shipping during the trial.
Well, you could try Walmart's free Site to Store. That usually only takes about five days, but it'll tell you before checkout. Risky, but if there's a shipping center near your local Walmart, it might work. (I imagine it depends on your location.)
Or you could just print out a copy of the free D&D 5E Basic Rules. The UPS Store, Staples and Kinkos can print the whole PDF (which is legal, permission given). You can have it spiral bound with a clear plastic cover for $10-15.
The basic rules don't cover all the super fancy races and class archetypes, but it does cover everything you need to join the game and fill whatever core role your party needs (Fighter, Cleric, etc.)
To be clear, you can get this by subscribing to Amazon Prime for one month which include Twitch Prime. You will get the offered item shown here as well as a free game out of the deal. Amazon Prime currently costs you $12 for one month, or free if you haven't done the free trial in the last year.
Free is probably a better deal than $20.
If you already pay for Amazon Prime and occasionally buy stuff from Amazon, then yes, it's free. :)
USA: Prime: $13/month, Prime Video Only: $9/month
UK: Prime: £6/month, Prime Video Only, £8/month
Doesn't get you music or free delivery, so probably not a good option for many people. Maybe for a single month if you just want to watch a few of their movies.
Amazon Prime, and Loot Crate.
Free shipping on "select" (which is a lot of) items. Prime Video, photo storage, music streaming, etc.
Amazon isn't just a streaming company. You can buy things from them too
Amazon Prime? (6)
Use This Link HERE. If purchased ~10% of the products price will go towards cancer research
Price: Currently unavailable.
Beep boop, I'm a bot, my links contain referral codes, and every cent I raise goes to the American Cancer Society! Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Creator's Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I've despised doing worthless projects in Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
another info about prime day (free $10) AMAZON US
> Start Prime trial
(credit card needed)
>Audible trial
>Wait e-mail confirmation
spend your 10$ bonus (screenshots)
>List known game with price under 10usd
Dishonored - $9.99 FREE - Steam
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone - $9.99 FREE - GOG key
Broforce - $5.99 FREE - Steam
Hotline Miami - $9.99 FREE - Steam
Might & Magic Heroes VII - $5.00 FREE - Uplay
Diablo III - $9.99 FREE -
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty PC/Mac - $9.99 FREE -
Sid Meier's Civilization V: The Complete Edition - $10.00 FREE - Steam
XCOM Enemy Unknown: The Complete Edition - $10.00 FREE - Steam
Call of Duty: World at War PC - $9.98 FREE - Steam
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines - $4.99 FREE - Steam
Doom 3 BFG Edition - $4.99 FREE - Steam
Transformers: War for Cybertron - $4.99 FREE - Steam
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - $9.99 FREE - Steam
Call of Duty War Chest - $9.89 FREE - Steam
Lost Horizon 2 - $6.80 FREE - Steam
ZOMBI - $10.00 FREE - Uplay
Cities: Skylines AFTER DARK DLC - $7.49 FREE - Steam
Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD - $5 FREE - Steam
Prototype - $5 FREE - Steam
Prototype 2 - $10 FREE - Steam
Trials Fusion - $10 FREE - Uplay
Valiant Hearts: The Great War - $7.50 FREE - Uplay
Heroes of Might & Magic III HD Edition - $7.50 FREE - Steam
~~OOPs, its six mechanical keyboard on Prime Day special, I thought that Corsair was a mech.~~
I didnt realize the deals would be rotating. Will update the expired ones and add new ones. And I'll have them listed in the subreddit instead of the comments here.
Grab a <strong>FREE Amazon Prime Trial</strong> for free shipping.
Are you a student? <strong>Get a FREE 6 month trial and then 50% OFF a Amazon Prime membership</strong>!
Source of the top ad. Source of the bottom screenshot is buried in the help and customer service tab
Don't Use That Link! Please Use The Amazon Link <strong>RIGHT HERE</strong>.
Hi, I'm Amazon Donate Bot. I take Amazon product links and put my referral code in them. Every time you purchase an item through one of these links, Amazon pays. 100% of profit from this Bot will go to the American Cancer Society.
This is my first month, first proof of Donation will be posted 11/01/17.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | Here are some offers that you can take advantage of, that give me credit too! Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
For Streaming Digital Content:
Amazon Prime, It gets you music, tv/movies(Lots of french ones ;), 2 day shipping and free returns(worth it by itself).
Youtube Red, Music, downloading youtube videos, no ads on youtube, playing youtube videos in the background(great for podcasts).
For Learning Stuff:
Lynda, Lots of useful tutorials for all sorts of things, usually more targeted than youtube videos.
For Work/Business:
Squarespace, great for people who need a website but, don't know much about websites.
Freshbooks, its useful for managing your sales and stuff.
For the people so poor that this comment seems rich:
Tunnel bear vpn, Use this with Kodi to stream all the movies and tv shows you could ever want, along with music all ad free. Yes this is pirating but, hey everyone needs to be able to watch frozen at 2am no matter how poor you are.
<em>On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen</em>.
Price: $27.19
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot. Every time you purchase an item through one of these links, 10% of the products price goes to the American Cancer Society.**
1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | Why Not Use Amazon Smile | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
<em>Comic Book Frame - Includes 2</em>.
Price: $18.95
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot. Every time you purchase an item through one of these links, 10% of the products price goes to the American Cancer Society.**
1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | Why Not Use Amazon Smile | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
<em>Petstages Fresh Breath Mint Stick #335</em>.
Price: $5.17
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot. Every time you purchase an item through one of these links, 10% of the products price goes to the American Cancer Society.
1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | Why Not Use Amazon Smile | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Use This Link HERE. If purchased ~10% of the products price will go towards cancer research
Name: <em>Hoosier Hill Farm Coarse Pretzel Salt, 2 lbs</em>.
Price: $9.99
Beep boop, I'm a bot, my links contain referral codes, and every cent I raise goes to the American Cancer Society! Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Creator's Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I've despised doing worthless projects in Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
When I first saw this article from Slate Magazine, its title was: > Jeff Bezos revealed that Amazon Prime has 100 million subscribers.
Here are some other articles about this story:
I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.
These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your responsibility to determine what is factually correct.
It's not even in this page.
It looks like if your family has a Amazon Household account and your name is on the account you are eligible for the card and the 5% cash back.
>If you are an Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Cardmember and an invited guest who receives only shipping benefits from another Prime member, you still earn 3% Back. You can upgrade to 5% by joining Prime or by sharing benefits with an eligible Prime member via an Amazon Household.
Even if your declined for this credit card I would highly recommend a student credit card from your bank. This way you can start building credit. Just ensure you don't spend more than your able to pay each month. Even with 5% cash back, if your apr is 25% your spending more on interest.
Here's where I got the price for the Prime sub.
As for the rest of it... uhm... basic arithmetic?
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Name: <em>Vedder Holsters LightTuck IWB Kydex Gun Holster - Glock 42 .380</em>.
Price: $64.99
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Name: <em>Vedder Holsters LightTuck IWB Kydex Gun Holster - Glock 42 .380</em>.
Price: $64.99
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | Why Not Use Amazon Smile | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Name: <em>FULUSHOU Mediterranean Briar Wood Tobacco Pipe, Delicate Reading Carved Pipe</em>.
Price: $27.31
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Escapees from behind the nylon curtain
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Price: $29.95
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Just an FYI, if you sign up to Amazon's prime free trial most of their laptops will be available within same day or 2 days shipping, if that is a concern of buying online (better and more options that way), if that is not the issue and you prefer buying from best buy then this would get my vote , if you want an amazon option then this Gigabyte would get my vote, better build quality, bigger screen, and better price.
amazon prime student here
to link your account, simply go here and clic activat twitch prime.
about the the cancel, I suppose you are correct but not sure. Normally, once you get the free stuff on your warframe account, they won't remove it, so yeah you could cancel just after.
Btw I made a slight mistake, with amzaon prime student you get 6 free month and then you get amazon prime for 50% for 4 year.
>####Amazon Prime Day Overview > >- This is the third annual Prime Day >- Prime Day is an annual deals event just for Prime members >- You’ll find Prime Day deals from 6pm PT / 9pm ET on July 10 >- New deals start as often as every 5 minutes for 30 hours straight >- has more info > >####Necessary Steps to Participate in Prime Day > >1. You must be an Amazon Prime member > >2. You can start a 30-day free trial as an option; or, as a student, you can start a 6-month trial >3. You can use Amazon Smile to have Amazon donate 0.5% of your purchases to the charity of your choice >4. You can use camelcamelcamel, an Amazon price tracker, to see how good a deal is. They offer a browser add-on if that's your thing. > > > > > >####Benefits of Amazon Prime > >- Free 2-day shipping on almost anything Amazon sells >- Prime Video grossly underrated movie service imho. When you consider that Netflix cost $95.99 for a year of streaming, and Prime includes so many other services, it's weird how many people never touch Primes VOD feature. And you can add channels now, like Anime Strike, HBO, Showtime. >- Amazon Music again, grossly underrated service. They offer a decent library, all free to stream to your PC or phone/tablet >- Kindle - Prime Reading gives you unlimited access to over a thousand books, current issue magazines, books with Audible narration, comics, Kindle Singles, and more. With access from any device – including your phone, tablet, or Kindle – you can read however you want, whenever you want (Kindle device not required) >- Audible podcasts, and so much more >- Prime Now available in roughly 32 metro areas around the country, you can have your order delivered in a couple of hours. at work and really need that pop-tart? red-bull mini fridge running low? no worries. freaky >- Twitch so many features. Did you know they are giving away free loot-boxes for Overwatch now via Twitch? skins and even free games? > > >####How to search for Deals > >I'm sorry to say, there are no easy cheats for finding those hidden gems in the Amazon Pride Day sale. > >Manually searching is the best way. If Amazon has one fallacy, it's that their product search engine is shit. Want a monitor? Want free-sync? And 144hz? You better know your model numbers, because Amazon doesn't include filters for things like that. Searching for products on Amazon can be a chore. > >Check the comments sections here, hopefully good-samaritans will link any good deals they find. Have payment info ready to go, as good deals go fast. > >Also...if this is your first Prime Day...prepare for disappointment. This is definitely not a PC sales oriented sale. But f you need toilet paper, this is the sale for you!
Try uBlock Origin and enable some of the 3rd party filters until the ads stop.
Amazon Prime is also an option on how to disable ads (while supporting your favorite streamers)
I just watched episode 1, and its basically 45mins of introducing everyone into the big brother house...
If anyone wants to see this but doesnt have Amazon prime, You can get a FREE month of Amazon prime by registering a legitimate card to your amazon account and cancel it before the 30 days is up, you can cancel it straight away and still get the 30 days
IF you have already used your 1 month free prime with amazon you can get ANOTHER free month with Twitch prime, you make a amazon account, and link it to your twitch account and get a month of Twitch and Amazon prime
Amazon prime
Twitch amazon prime
a couple of spoiler free screens for you~
documental, you need a JP VPN btw, not that I use it,b tu this is a free open source vpn that has JP tunnelsドキュメンタル/dp/B01N78NQCA
all my screen gabs from eps1-4
full disappointment personally
6 months of Amazon Prime free for students and 50% off thereafter.
If you're worried about how things fit, while shopping online, you might want to join some free shipping services and seek out retailers that offer free shipping and returns (many do this for shoes already).
Shoprunner is one service and it works with Eddie Bauer and Timberland, among others. It gives you free 2-day shipping and returns, so if something doesn't fit, just send it back. I'm not sure how much they charge for the service, because most people sign up for a free trial and find ways to keep extending it for free. And it's free for American Express card holders. I've used it for years and never have any problems.
Amazon Prime is $99/year, but you get a lot with it and can use it to buy stuff other then clothing. It has free 2-day shipping and free returns. One thing I really like is that they refund my money as soon as I drop off my return at a UPS location, so I receive my money back, before they even receive my return. I also find it great for shoes and I believe they give you shipping discounts for their fashion-oriented My Habit service, although I may be wrong about that. is a newer one that I'm still weighing the value of it's service, but it's all free. The biggest benefit is probably that it allows you to try items without paying. They ship the items to you and then only charge you if you decide to keep them. Otherwise, you ship them back for free. It works with J.Crew, Nike, Barneys, Zara, Neiman Marcus and several others.
When you find brands you like, then find the best stores for those brands, join their mailing list and look for free shipping coupons.
If you don't have an Amazon Prime account... you are seriously missing out. enjoy free shipping on everything.
Based on population no, there are only about 35 million of us.
But Amazon is pretty much our only reliable option for most online purchases and is used by almost everyone who does any sort of internet transactions from what I've seen as an average Canadian. Add to this we are right next to the States, we know how often things are more expensive compared to the US one and Amazon still does that well. But if you look at the Prime pages it's undeniable.
I's pay $20 more for all your stuff and I think a lot of Canadians would too.*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Just cancel before the trial is up and you'll have gotten in on the sale for free.
x-post /r/buildapcsales
No Prime membership?
> No worries! You can get a Free 30-day trial to Prime right here! You can also get a 6-Month Trial to Amazon Prime if you have .edu email address and you will get Prime for 50% off after the trial is over! You can also get a Friend/Family member to add you to their Prime as a Household Member and get access to the deals as well!
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Price: $349.99
Hi, I'm Amazon Info Bot, my links have referral codes, but ALL profits go to ACS! 1st Month Donation Proof Please Upvote This Comment so that I may comment more, and raise more.
[My Motive](/s "My Aunt passed away this last year from Breast Cancer. I'm in my 1st semester of Computer Science and decided to take on a project that would make a drop of difference on this world and hopefully contribute to stopping others from losing an aunt they loved as much as I did.") | [Why Not Use Amazon Smile](/s "Amazon smile gives 0.5% of your purchase to charity, amazon affiliate gives ~10%. That is a 20x greater affect per purchase.") | Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial | Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial | 6 Months Free w/ Prime Student
Really? Without VPN or other trickery?
The last time I asked them, they said it isn't available at this time in Canada.
edit: And their Canadian website doesn't mention video, whereas the American one does (and several other things that the Canadian one doesn't have)
It's written in 10px font, actually.
It's actually in 13px font, right here:*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Plus when you subscribe, this page turns in to a page that tells you when you will next be charged.
It's also pretty explicitly mentioned on the how-to page for signing up for the trial:
And it doesn't really matter anyway: by this point in your life, you should know better than to assume a free trial doesn't result in an automatic charge afterwards.
>Try Prime and get immediate access to deals on July 15.
> I don't really do the whole online shopping thing atm
It's very unlikely that you'll find a deal in person which is better than what you can get on Amazon. You could be saving tons of money.
Pony up the $99 and you get free 2-day shipping for a year. It's absolutely worth it. I order food, soda, toiletries, clothes, OTC medicine, everything and get it delivered right to my door, and I get the best shit instead of whatever is available locally.
Step 1. Sign up for a free 30 day trial.
Step 2. Each time Amazon fails to deliver your orders in 2 business days, complain. Once a month you can get a 1-month extension on your Prime membership. If you're like me, it becomes a long, free ride.
If not, then Step 3. Cancel the free trial by the end of the month. Then, wait for the next Prime sale to sign up.
About complaining... it's not just for when a delivery date is blown. Some orders are slated to take more than 2 business days by default, but you have Amazon by the balls if, during the checkout process, it offers to deliver in 2 days if you pay an extra fee. What, pay an extra fee to get the 2-day delivery I'm supposed to get at no extra cost with my Prime membership? If you complain about that situation before the order ships, the upgrade the shipping method and it arrives in 2 days. If you complain afterward, what are they going to do? Well, probably extend your membership, or give you a $5 or $10 credit on a future purchase. This weird situation has been happening more and more lately to me, but it always works out in my favor by complaining.
And, what, if Amazon gets tired of me holding Amazon to its agreement, it may drop me as a customer? What's the loss? I paid $99 for a service I expect to receive. Open another Amazon account using a different credit card, and only order using super-saver shipping. Hell, my wife already her own account I could use, and I have a previous account set up under an old e-mail address.
Yes, yes OP did. For reference, OP's link title:
>What are your favorite free Roku movie channels?
For reference, OP's clarification in the body of his self-post:
>What are the best free channels for movies?
For reference, the definition of free.
For reference, Netflix charges $7.99 a month and Amazon Prime charges $99/year. They are the opposite of free.
For reference, the definition of opposite.
In no way imaginable do you have a leg to stand on. You're as wrong as wrong can be. Proceeding further will only compound your public shaming for your most basic failure of comprehending the English language.
I don't know if you're trolling, but either way you're filtered for extreme idiocy. Yeah, so the next time you call someone an asshole, check that you're not being a douche first.
I'll cut you a break if English is your second language.