> Could you provide a link this claim?
> What do you mean by antidepressants
at least part of antidepressants, prozac and the ones that were approved after it.
This book:
Shows how antidepressants were approved without any double blind studies, just studies that appeared to be valid, but really were not. It also cites studies that antidepressants are not more effective than placebos, not more effective than accupunture and a some other treatments, and are actually worse than physical exercise.
Timothy Scott talks about this same problem here: https://www.amazon.com/America-Fooled-Antidepressants-Antipsychotics-Deceived/dp/0977307506/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1528827831&sr=1-1&keywords=america+fooled
One thing you can do is learn what goes wrong so to as either not to do it or at least know that it might not work. Or what works but is not generaly recognized by most psychiatrists. For instance, here:
And you can find information that is free too, if it's the case you don't want to spend any money on that kind of information (and I don't blame it if you don't).