American Desperado: My Life--From Mafia Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Secret Government Asset
This is about Escobar's Miami guy during the 70s/80s. Fucking incredible read and I flew through it
> I do like true crime!
Try American Desperado. If you've seen Cocaine Cowboys, it's the guy from that. But unlike a lot of confession books, Roberts is real specific with details. And its pretty long, but never dull.
American Desporado is Jon Robert's autobiography. I picked it up after watching Cocaine Cowboys on netflix to see who he was, and holy hell. I've read a lot of books ABOUT career criminals, but never one from their point of view, and it was endlessly fascinating. I'm told it has the same vibe as Wolf of Wall Street (just with more violence), which is on my list.
You should read his book it’s awesome > link here <
This is it. Good book.
American Desperado: My Life--From Mafia Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Secret Government Asset
Amazing book. Dude lives an insane life
American Desperado, because Tommy Vercetti and MacGyver were real and they ran coke for Pablo Escobar.
American Desperado - All about Jon Roberts who was 1/2 Tommy Vercetti and 1/2 Scarface, but real. And he had real life McGuyver helping him smuggle drugs.
The Greatest Knight - All about William Marshal, who was basically under arms and fighting people for 60 years. Was the heavyweight champ of the French Tournament scene when it was less Renaissance Fair and more UFC with Horses and blunt weapons. Lead the cavalry charge of his own forces to break the Siege of Lincoln when he was in his 70s.