Thats fair, I was using an xacto knife until if found a handy table saw and used my Bessy Vicegrip and went to town on it.
Have you tried to see if it would fit into an American 1100 series? Those are cheap. I have not attempted it. I know the cores inside are meant for 6 pins and they are technically made by masterlock now.
If I pick an American and rekey it to a challenge lock (on video) and trade it on here. And keep helping new comers until it's traded out, does that get me a blue belt? I'd keep helping too lol just wondering how I can get ranked to my skill level in as few videos as possible (kind of a phobia). I love this belt program you guys set up. I think it will really help new people and also help push myself as well.
Would this lock work if I repinned it to high low high low high low security pins?
That is 1/2 price! They go for $20 on Amazon. How would you like to arrange this?