You can try buying from this link directly. Someone else in Australia on this sub had success with it. Not sure but I believe in Australia you can still use US Amazon as long as it's sold & shipped by Amazon themselves and not a 3rd party seller.
Not sure what you’re searching for but this is the first one that comes up when I search.
Total $19.37 USD
I'll second mgsecure's advice here. Repinning is definitely the way to go if you want to be cost effective. If you picked up a reload kit and a cheap rim cylinder you would be set. Sparrows also has a fantastic selection of cool security pins.
It is definitely a hassle having to repin the same cylinder over and over, so if you are willing to $39, Sparrows also sells the Revolver. Combined with the specialty security pins from Sparrows, it is a fantastic investment that can get you well into Blue Belt territory. It is a single physical lock that contains 4 separate six-pin cores that can all be repinned exceptionally easily using set screws. So it is basically 4 separate locks in the palm of your hand.
The one draw back is that it is definitely not as satisfying as the feel of a padlock clicking open. For that, you might want to checkout some of the $9 American 1100s on amazon, and visit a local locksmith to see if you can scrounge up some extra pins.
Kind of you, but i just got one for an all time low price on amazon. American Lock A1106RED1KEY Padlock Keyed, Aluminum, Red