>I've never heard anyone call the Christian right wing the American Taliban
Well, it sure as heck wasn't me that coined the term.
>and I don't really see the comparison
You don't see the comparison between the groups that want to make their religious rules the legal standards of their nations, who try to strip away civil liberties (especially those of women, homosexuals, and people who do not conform to gender norms), and who are overtly belligerent? Or, even extending beyond that, the way that they frequently twist religious doctrine to promote violence and intolerance while downplaying what others would consider to be the positive messages of the religion?
...are you sure you're even looking? They obviously aren't going to be a one-to-one match, but there's a chilling number of commonalities.
>Oftentimes you see liberals claim Christianity is evil
I will readily state that I think Christianity is evil. What I don't think is that all Christians are evil. Are you sure that you aren't mixing up the two messages?
Also, every group has its share of loud idiots. Liberals are not excluded from this.
I really wonder what country the people in this sub actually live in sometimes.
This book literally came out in 2010 and it was widely discussed.
<em>The Newsroom</em> episode, 2012
https://baptistnews.com/article/an-american-taliban/ (2016)
Perhaps try getting out more.
Your complete lack of irony while using the word "think" in a sentence is refreshing.
Please link one article, book or expert opinion that seriously links the motives, means and goals of the US Democratic party to those of the Taliban.
This is an old accusation and it's still true: https://www.amazon.com/American-Taliban-Power-Jihadists-Radical/dp/1936227029
They got that from Markos Moulitsas, who literally wrote the book.
> No one would ever compare that to the taliban,
>“We all agree with the Taliban.”—Rush Limbaugh, October 9, 2009
It led to this book: https://www.amazon.com/American-Taliban-Power-Jihadists-Radical/dp/1936227029
Go read something, kid.
Seriously man, what's your problem? American fundamentalism is a huge problem, but to pretend they are equivalent to ISIS is disengenuous at best.
Since you're apparently a big fan of hyperbole, this book manages to include a few facts in between the rants so maybe it's more your style: