Oh my. Call him on it PLEASE! IF you keep letting it slide, they'll continue ripping you off. Invest in a $10 scale from amazon and weigh all of your shit. If it's light, tell him "I only got [x]g" or next time you ask for a hookup "please weigh it more carefully this time".
What state are you from?
I can't tell you how much a $5 sack would be it varies. It's $20 a gram here.
Gram=1 gram
8th = 3.5grams
Invest in a scale on Amazon. There are way too many people that measure by eye and it annoys me. Each strain is very different in volume compared to mass.
Here's a good one. Accurate to two decimal places. And it has an attached lid. And it's only $10 plus shipping (unless you have Amazon Prime).
American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WhZmzbVM6C6M4
PS: There's two options for that listing. One is the scale only, the other one is the scale with a calibration weight. It's only $15, and the weight is a good thing to have on-hand just in case.
You don't want to measure dry weights (grams) by volume (teaspoons). You can end up with very different amounts depending on how exactly you fill the teaspoon and how much you much you compact it. It's even worse for calcium chloride, which isn't a powder.
I'd guess everyone doing water chemistry has something like this. Just ignore all the advertisements for drugs you get after buying one.
I got this one recently.
someone on here recommended it and it's been great. I just need to find a way to balance the portafilter on there since I'm grinding directly into it
You start with a different scale :) Kitchen scale just won't cut it here...
You can get a 100 x .01 scale on Amazon for $10 or $11. That's a max weight of 100g, with precision to the 100th of a gram (so you'll want .02).
Be careful not to get the 500 x .1, which looks identical.
> You can buy a pretty accurate American Weigh digital scale for under $20.
Lol, on Amazon "People who bought this scale also bought ... a shit ton of weed grinders!"
You can buy any digital scale that measures to 2 decimal places (0.01). I bought this one off Amazon and it works fine and is guaranteed for 10 years. When I bought one they only cost $11 but I see Amazon is selling them for $20 now: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (edit: this scale only goes up to 100mg so it's only good for small batches --- it's makes a good starter scale or if you're like me and only mix small bottles of eliquid up to 60 ml).
Here's one on Amazon I've used that's lasted a few years that's $11 if you do decide to ever look at one. Weighs up to 100g.
Looks about like 8g to me, but could be a bit less or more; hard to tell without knowing the weight of each buds, I've had some 8g that looked half the size of that being so dense.
Eyeballing is only an estimate it looks like an ounce to me but you’ll always want to take an estimation with a grain of salt. I recommend just ordering a hundredth scale off amazon for like 10-20$. My recommendation for a brand scale would be an AWS scale. AWS scale on amazon
I also weigh all of my food, including spices and seasonings. My kitchen scale also does not measure under 1 gram, so I use my weed scale since it measures amounts under 1 gram. You can pick one up at any headshop or online if you don't have one. They're pocket sized and digital. This is the one I have.
I've been using this scale for several years for water additions, and almost always for hops as well. It has a 100g max, but that's 3.5 ounces, and I never add that much of one single hop at one time anyways.
i'm finding i want a scale that has one more decimal of precision than i need because otherwise it doesn't always register what i'm scooping and putting in.
i measure into an empty clean yogurt cup. i'm trying to measure out 18g of grounds. i toss in 16g. i toss in a little more. it.....still says 16g? what? i toss in a little more....it says 17g. i toss in a little more. says 17g. a little more. now it says 19g. dammit. i scoop some out. it says 17g.
do you see the frustration? so i went on amazon and bought a $17 scale that reads to 0.01g up to 100g of weight and uses AAA batteries. now i have no trouble measuring out 18g of grounds for coffee. because i can also easily measure out 17.5 or 18.5g if i need it.
later i got a 1kg version of it to use at work. the 1kg range was high enough i could use it to make a french press with. if i had to get one range, i would probably get the 1kg one instead of the 100g one. the 100g one is just a bit too low range for much else besides coffee.
I found a $14 scale on Amazon through this sub. I'm a little anxious-leaning/neurotic so felt safer doing .01 below the already recommended lower .05 dose that some people say to start with. My scale was delivered in one day: https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-AWS-100-Digital-Resolution/dp/B0012LOQUQ
Please get a scale bro they’ll pay for themselves in no time
15 bucks if you don’t mind silver. And these have a lifetime warranty, and a 100g weight for calibrating (a US dollar weighs 1g btw)
For things I want an accurate measure of (eg. aromasin, accutane), I use an oral solution and make a big mix in a beaker (calculating the quantities of powder/solution beforehand) and then store the solution, using an oral syringe to measure and take doses.
For things like viagra where I don't really care if I take 50mg or 100mg I'll just scoop the powder out of the bag with a spoon and measure it on my 0.01g scale (like this https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-AWS-100-Digital-Resolution/dp/B0012LOQUQ / you can find them at every smoke shop too if you don't want to have it on your order history or something) and wash it down with water.
It wasn't worth it to me to make capsules since I don't really use orals that often but I would've gotten one of those capsule filling trays if I wanted to do that.
I realize your broke but I'd just invest in a scale for the sake of safety and assurance on dosage. Besides this can last you for years. Here is an inexpensive one off of Amazon.
American Weigh Scale AWS-100 Digital Pocket Scale, 100g X 0.01g Resolution https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_9uiUDbRC9BH3E
I don’t use my more expensive one that often. It’s cool, but I find I use my little tiny one 99% of the time. It’s super accurate and easy to whip out.
This is the one
Incorrect. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Now, myself being a prime member, I got it the next day, however, it's sold in the US, so you'll get it in a few days. There are 100's more like this in the same price range that isn't Chinese. the Chinese ones are $5.
I bought this one for food ages ago and it's still working well. I use it for everything now.
I got this scale and I love it. It was so cheap that I bought a second for backup.
You just need a small $10 scale like your college weed dealer used to use. If you don't want to wait for Amazon, head to your local smoke shop though it will cost you more. If you ever get into messing around with "molecular gastronomy" you'll have to get one as many of those substances are used in incredibly small amounts.
Yes I have one of those and it's pretty damn accurate. Then again you don't need to be 100% accurate so i bought a scale with a bigger surface for doing both pheni and kratom https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 which should be plenty and you don't need to use a special weighing surface
Materials made out of irregularly-shapes pieces (tea leaves, sugar crystals, anything that's ground) don't pack evenly into a volume, so you've got some amount of airspace that varies with the average size and irregularity of the particles and how exactly they're packed. This means that it's impossible to get a perfect measure of how stuff you actually have. Mass, on the other hand, won't change with how the particles are packed, so you know exactly how much of the stuff you have.
I use this scale, which works really well and was very cheap.
You can get a scale to make sure you get the correct amount, I have one like below. But your dealer sold you trim, it will likely give you a buzz, but you should complain about not getting buds. Don't be sheepish about it. Don't be too bold making threats or anything. But confidently tell the dealer you know he ripped you off because there were no buds in the bag, just trim. He may offer you something he may not, but he'll know you know better. Don't deal with him again.
Edit: at a [4] and forgot the link: American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_yQvZybX8QTB52
You can tell if it's dense or not with a gentle squeeze, if it compresses easy it isn't very dense, if it resists it's more dense, either way the only way to actually know how much you have exactly is a scale there is one for about ten dollars on Amazon American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_q3aLybJ5DK71X
If you read farther up the thread, when he said "46.2 here" he meant that's the weight of his scale upside down. People were taking their scale, turning it upside down and posting the weight they got.
After he posts the weight, he proceeds to say that he wants a two-decimal scale because it's more accurate. The thing is, the scale he already has, the one he turned upside down to weigh is a .01 scale. So when he says he wants a two-decimal scale, he really means three-decimal scale, because he already has a two-decimal scale.
As for 46.2, if the measurement is exactly 46.20g, then you drop the zero because it's implied.
Edit: I see what you're saying. I assumed he had a .01 scale, given the context of this thread. At any rate, I know the difference between a .01 and .001 scale. Thanks for asking
Even a $10 gram scale from amazon with a calibration weight would detect most fakes. That plus a "ping" test for bullion coins can basically pick up any fake that's not made out of the exact same metal composition.
If you have $600 a sigma precious metals verifier would be almost impossible to fool in most cases, but that's probably outside of your and my budgets.
I have this and it is very accurate as long as you get a 100 gram calibration weight and just recalibrate it when it seems a tenth off or something. It's worked great for me and for that price I'm very happy.
As an example, when weighing known real coins it's usually within .05 grams assuming minimal variance from the mint spec of the coins, in my personal experiences.
I got the one you linked for $6.79, no tax a week or two ago on a lightning deal. I would be bragging except I bought the same thing in "American Weigh" brand a week before for 8.40 plus tax which is just my luck, so I just bought a second when I saw the lightning deal.
And yeah, the volume differences resulting from the different grinds can lead to differing densities. But in general one teaspoon of ANY grind other than gigantic blocky chunks should weigh somewhere between 2.3 and 2.7g, approximately...assuming that the substance is indeed kratom lol.
What kinds of calibration weights do you guys get for this kind of scale that's used to measure out serum, oil cleansing, etc?
Also what are the scales that have worked best for you?
I'm gonna take this in steps so I don't go way off topic and get confusing.
>I put all my ABV in a bag its usually mostly brown but there is still some green is that ok?
That's perfectly fine. As long as it isn't burned, the level of extraction you want is entirely up to you. Some people vape until it's nearly black, others vape until it's a golden brown and everything in between.
>can anyways recommend a good scale for measuring the ABV content?
>my first quest is about dosing being im brand new to this and never ingested cannabis what dosing should i start with?
That's an impossible question to answer. ABV obviously isn't as potent as unvaped herb so you will need to eat a pretty decent amount but exactly how much depends on so many factors it's impossible to really give you a straight answer. My recommendation: Pick a day (or a few days) where you have nothing to do and start experimenting. I don't like the whole put em in a pill method. Make yourself some firecrackers or a pb&j sandwich or something.
>Have any of you ever had an issue with smoking or vaping cannabis and finding out your allergic to it?
That's never happened to me but there are people that are allergic to water so I wouldn't be surprised if people are allergic to cannabis. If you think that's the case I'd take it easy with the vaping until you're sure nothing will happen to you. Some people have very mild allergy symptoms so they act as if they aren't even allergic while others have very severe reactions. Until you're sure it isn't the latter just be careful.
awesome! I ordered this http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0012LOQUQ but now I'm second guessing if I should have gone to a vape shop or go back to Friendly Stranger :S
guess ill test it out when it arrives :s I know a normal kitchen scale couldn't even detect the flower :(
look for milligram scales where you live?
waterbeds n stuff and/or puff n stuff should have .01 accurate scales ready to walk out the door. outside the US? the internet.
Can a cheap 100g or so digital scale be used as an upside down load cell?
I was hoping to measure upward pressure on a scale like this by mounting it upside-down. What issues are there with this?
For instance, I'm guessing having the gravity pull down on the plate, possibly even more if I mount something else to it, will cause the scale to be inaccurate. Could I counter this by placing something like rubber bands around it to the point that it registers some weight (to slightly overcompensate for the weight pulling down), then tare/zeroing it out?
Ideally I'm guessing that I'd use a load cell, amp, and interface, then mount a plate to the cell, to measure the force, but that's way more work and money than I would like to spend if I can avoid it.
I've tried doing research on this but I haven't found many people trying to flip mini scales upside down to act as upward force meters...
Here you go. :)
Battery powered scale. Be sure to buy a 100g weight to calibrate it if you buy one.
It measures in grams and ounces. And several others that i doubt you care about.
Its small enough to fit in a pocket so you can take it to measure with when you buy.
Also just realized the one the OP posted is sold by a different company than the one i have? Im pretty sure they are identical although thats called a SWS100 By SmartWeigh and mines a AWS100 by American Weigh. Maybe they have different firmware or something? Who knows but i can put any bowl i want and measure up to 100G from the tare weight.
You can get some cheap grinder from amazon or get a little bit nicer at a local headshop.
Now you have more than $50 for a bowl. I suggest buying in person so you can feel and see details. I like to get heavier glass, more durable and I think feels better to use.
I find the cheaper blades are not very balanced while the more expensive ones are. So I guess it's a matter of production costs?
Buy this and blade balancing will be super simple.
I hated mine. Pulled the pan off and got this: digital scale
Has a grains measurement on it too.
> My solution (pun intended) is to measure out the portions I would for a full 5 gallon, re-hydrate the DAP and K, and then portion the solutions out by volume instead of by mass.
You aren't rehydrating it; you're just dissolving it in a solution.
If you don't have $11, this should more-or-less work.
> A) Is there a better way to measure nutrients for a 1 gal (My scale goes down to 1 gram increments)?
$11. You dropped $200 on honey. You're serious. Give it every chance to turn out awesome.
>B) How long can I store re-hydrated DAP and Fermaid-K?
I would not attempt to store this at all.
This guy is only $10 + shipping. Max weight is 100g, accurate to the hundredth of a gram.
Only problem is that it says you need a 100g weight to calibrate, I've got this scale and a weight, not sure if you could find a substitute.
No problem! Another thing I would suggest is mixing by weight. It will let you mix a bit more accurately. I have 2 of these and it works great. Look around a bit and you might find it cheaper than $10. It was $5 when I bought it, but prices fluctuate and stuff. Anyway, it works great for small batches at a time. Like, I put VG, PG, and nic into squirty bottles to put into the juice and just use pipettes for the big bulk flavoring bottles.
That's another thing, you can get things like lab equipment (pipettes, syringes, etc) a lot cheaper on amazon than on the eliquid sites. So keep that in mind.
Tracking force is based on cartridge not turntable.
You are fine at 1.5 VTF. And yes, antiskate should be about the same or maybe a little less.
From Grado website:
> GRADO'S PRESTIGE SERIES OF PHONO CARTRIDGES The Prestige series of cartridges are designed for tracking forces from 1-2 grams.
But it's really best to use a digital scale to get the exact weight. The counterweights on TTs are not to be trusted.
I personally lean towards the higher side of the suggested tracking force, so I would try 1.75 and see how that sounds. Usually helps with bass response.
Awesome. Glad to hear it. Before you get the needle, take some time to watch videos on youtube about setting up a turntable. You'll need to know about setting VTF vertical tracking force (setting the weight on the back of the arm), anti skate (setting the dial to the right of the arm), and cartridge alignment (this is the hardest part, but it is important... the cart is already in the headshell so it may be aligned already). You should also order one of these while your at it. This will help you set the VTF very easily.
I have this scale. It does not go down to the 1/100 like the description says. Maybe I'm not smart enough to know how to set it to show 0.00. The reviews said its Acceptable Tolerance is +/- 0.02g though.
I bought this, but I only use it for Kratom (so far). It doesn't have as much of a capacity (100g VS the 8000g one you linked), but its accuracy is 0.01g for precise dosing and it's super inexpensive and small: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/
Well, it generally takes 3500 calorie loss to lose a pound, so what youre doing now, baring any errors in tdee, that's 1 pound a week.
Oh, ok I didn't think about something like that. I don't know if you've seen it but this is the one I was checking out. I guess that wouldn't be a great option?
If you decided to get a digital kitchen scale, make sure you get the one that can weigh from 0.1g to 100g.
For small batches (less than 1 ounce), it is best to get a miniature digital scale that reads to 0.01g like this one.
Do you mean a scale? I have this one, it was like $15 and works great http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=s9_psimh_gw_p79_d1_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0SNMG7XX42PG2N94284N&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
If you're really patient and short on scale money, you can dose fairly accurately with a cheaper .1 scale that most people have. For the 50mg doses, just try to weigh out .1 the best you can, and split it in half as accurately as possible. Worst case scenario you're off 10mg, which isn't a big deal.
But that's just if you can't buy your own scale/you have to use a friend's. Here is a good and very cheap scale that weighs in milligrams. Probably your best option.
It looks at least a quarter. But you really need a scale. They are cheap. This one is ten dollars on Amazon.
Bro. Buy a scale, Amazon. $10.47
American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_efG2yb2YTKPET
I have this scale from Amazon it is less than $9 and works great.
Pretty easy to find on Amazon. I bought this one years ago and it works great. You might want to get a reference weight to calibrate as well but not required.
American Weigh Digital Scale is pretty cheap on amazon
.01g sensitivity
I got one from Amazon that was only $10 and measures both. I'll find the link.
Edited: American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_LXXSzbCKCGT04
Electrolyte Guide:
Materials Needed:
This is the jeweler scale: AWS Series Digital Pocket Weight Scale 100g x 0.01g, (Black), AWS-100-Black https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kIUhFbB1H1M5Y
Yep, anyone who works with hydrocolloids or needs precise measurements in that range uses them. AWS is the one I've used forever.
is an AWS scale okay for measuring out 25mg?
Second vote for AWS. Ascher makes a shitty knock off so don't be fooled.
<strong>Kratom 101</strong> is the newbie guide and it has some great starter info. If you Amazon, I got this scale on the recommendation from someone here and I like it. For 8bucks, I dare say I love it.
Amazon, a little over $10. That's the one I have.
You can get a good scale on Amazon for ten dollars. This is a good one because it goes to the 0.01 and maximum weight is 100g. This one goes to the 0.1, maximum is 600g and it is a little less expensive. A level, unpacked measuring teaspoon is 2.5 grams give or take a few tenths. A level unpacked measuring tablespoon in the ballpark of 7.5 grams.
This: https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-AWS-100-Digital-Resolution/dp/B0012LOQUQ - cheap and infinitely useful. Precision out to .01g!
Before my lunar which I recenlty got I have used this one for a while. You just need to take the flip part off.
AWS Series Digital Pocket Weight... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I have 2 of these are fits fine as long as you detach the cover.
AWS Series Digital Pocket Weight... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
this is the scale I bought and lost, and I can confirm it is a good one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ
Been using an AWS scale just like this for years, accurate and durable , can’t beat it IMO To the hundredth accuracy scale
Use that $20 on the table and buy a scale
It’ll pay for itself in no time
If you’re going to buy a Q at a time i recommend getting a scale, it’s 15 bucks https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-AWS-100-Digital-Resolution/dp/B0012LOQUQ
Not an affiliate link or anything don’t worry :) i’m not scummy
Get a scale man, it’s like 20 bucks, it’ll pay for its self in no time https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-AWS-100-Digital-Resolution/dp/B0012LOQUQ
I bought this one
Looks a lil short, get a scale they aren’t expensive
It's literally this scale, and it's $18 brand new.
I've had one for 6 years.
This sucker that has lasted me years
American Weigh Scale AWS-100 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_WLH1DbN3BHD2D
Two decimal places is sufficient to measure doses. I have one of these and it works great. You should buy a 100g weight also to calibrate it with. It has a cal mode that requires a 100g weight.
I ended up getting this scale:
American Weigh Scale AWS-100 Digital Pocket Scale, 100g X 0.01g Resolution https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_k.UWAbX37A01A
Works very well and was pretty cheap. Would recommend.
I got this cocaine dealer druggie pocket scale off amazon. Works well and is cheap.
0.01 gram resolution
spend $10 and get a scale
also recommend getting the calibration weight
Yes and THIS ONE is my FAVORITE ��������
It’s tiny, extremely accurate, and tares back to zero super quickly (unlike almost every other scale I’ve tried).
And the best part is that it’s only $10 :)
$10. Seriously do yourself a favor and purchase this scale. Got mine a year and a half ago, use it multiple times every day, still works perfectly.
American Weigh Digital Scale, 100g [0.01g sensitivity] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_GHTtzbF13A2BK
This is the one I have. I am not sure what compartment you are referring to. Sorry.
I've already explained this several times. In this comment, OP reports the weight of this scale upside down as 46.2g. That scale is .01. Which means OP already has a two-decimal scale, so when he said he wanted a two decimal scale, he was actually referring to a .001, which is what I linked... He proceeds to have a conversation with me about it in the replies, if you're still in doubt. Please try to follow along next time.
Edit: Fixed link
I have one of these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012LOQUQ
It's great for small weights, though for a while Amazon started recommending bongs and glycine envelopes to me!
Here is an article "How to Quit Heroin and Opiates With Kratom"
Here is another one "How to Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal
Here is another one "Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal"
Additionally, here are some previous discussions that may contain useful/helpful information. I know that not all of them are exactly what you are looking and some of them are older, but I tried to include anything that seemed relevant.
BF successfully overcame his extreme suboxone/opiate addiction with Kratom
Determined Heroin Addict Looking For Help, Please - this is a recent discussion worth looking through
New to Kratom where OP is "looking for information on the kratom best suited for opiate detox"
First-Timer Help Please about kratom to stop opiates
Very Interested in Kratom and Needing Some Help from someone looking to stop norco
You can also look through the <strong>Kratom 101</strong> has a lot of good general information about kratom and its uses. Finding what works can take some time, patience, and trial and error but it can be worth it. Many times people starting out think that it is not 'working' at first. Some of that is about managing expectations. Your best course of action is to try a handful of different strains and keep notes - dosages, effects, pros & cons, etc. It is best to use a scale and read about figuring out dosages
She's sensitive, low tolerance and going for very light medicinal effects. She doesn't have typically have pain or use for pain, it's more of a mental boost thing i think.
Also, considering you seem to be sensitive - you might want to consider getting a 0.00g scale. $8.50 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-Digital-Scale-sensitivity/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=sr_1_5?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1485106804&sr=1-5&keywords=scale ..
There was someone recently that was suggested to get a scale. He posted back thanking everyone as his scoop (tsp) would vary as much as 2 grams either way ( https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/5ornjs/finally_bought_a_scale/ ). Less waste, more accurate dosing, more consistent effects and less tolerance.
Hello and welcome! Please look through the Sub Guidelines, the Kratom 101, and this important Guide To Phrasing. Headshops definitely charge premium prices. I know you will be able to find better value here but your account is too new and does not have enough sub-related karma to make postings. You are welcome to join in any ongoing discussions. We look forward to getting to know you.
Thank you and please let us know if you have any other questions.
In addition to that Daily Vendor List here is a list of [Current Sales and Discount Codes](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/5q5n3t/deals_steals_0125_youll_feel_like_you_picked_a/
There are a handful of more popular quality vendors. All of the vendors on that sales posting are top rated trustworthy vendors. You can't go wrong with any of them. Canopy Botanicals is another great one they are just not having a sale right now so they are not listed in the deals posting. Most of those vendors sell samplers or smaller quantities like ounces. If you need more help picking out what is right for you, contact this guy and he will get you started by customizing a sampler with 5 different ounces for $25 including shipping.
As far as what would be closest to headshop "Maeng Da," that is hard to say. Products sold at headshops are often labeled with advertising in mind and the name of the product is not always an accurate descriptor of the actual product itself. With something called "Maeng Da" that doesn't even come into play yet since they is a very broad term that literally means "pimp grade" and has come to be attached to just about any strain a vendor wants to denote as kind of premium. There are countless 'Maeng Da" strains. Your best course of action is to try a handful of different strains and keep notes - dosages, effects, pros & cons, etc. If that sounds daunting, Krajournal is a very easy to use tool for doing so. (It is best to use a scale for measuring dosages). You can narrow things down from there.
Finding what works can take some time, patience, and trial and error but it can be worth it. Many times people starting out think that it is not 'working' at first. Some of that is about managing expectations.
There is a lot of good information here. Familiarize yourself with more of the content already here and narrow down strains based on what effects you are looking for. There is a section in the Kratom 101 that explains strains in general. Here are two other great things to read:
I have read many, many stories about people using kratom to help get off of different opiates. You are not alone and you can do this. Finding what works will take some time, patience, and trial and error but it will be worth it. Many times people starting out think that it is not 'working' at first. Some of that is about managing expectations. Your best course of action is to try a handful of different strains and keep notes - dosages, effects, pros & cons, etc. You should really get a scale and read about figuring out dosages
There are a bunch of Holiday Sales going on right now
Herbal Salvation does a 5x25g sampler for $15 (Code "rKratom20" for 20% discount)
Gaia has a 5x1oz sampler for $25
There are many other good vendors (including all of the ones already mentioned), those are just the ones that I know of who are offering ounce-ish sizes. Check the post about vendors running sales before you place your order. I try to update it as vendors put out information.
Here are some previous discussions that may contain useful/helpful information. I know that not all of them are exactly what you are looking and some of them are older, but I tried to include anything that seemed relevant.
BF successfully overcame his extreme suboxone/opiate addiction with Kratom
Determined Heroin Addict Looking For Help, Please - this is a recent discussion worth looking through
New to Kratom where OP is "looking for information on the kratom best suited for opiate detox"
First-Timer Help Please about kratom to stop opiates
Very Interested in Kratom and Needing Some Help from someone looking to stop norco
Hi... The <strong>Kratom 101</strong> has a lot of good general information about kratom and its uses. Finding what works can take some time, patience, and trial and error but it can be worth it. Many times people starting out think that it is not 'working' at first. Some of that is about managing expectations. Your best course of action is to try a handful of different strains and keep notes - dosages, effects, pros & cons, etc. It is best to use a scale and read about figuring out dosages
New to Kratom where OP is "looking for information on the kratom best suited for opiate detox"
First-Timer Help Please about kratom to stop opiates
Very Interested in Kratom and Needing Some Help from someone looking to stop norco
Here is an article "How to Quit Heroin and Opiates With Kratom"
Here is another one "How to Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal
Here is another one "Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal"
I hope that you will be able to find helpful things here and I wish you the best :)
Yeah I agree a scale is a good investment if you take kratom or use powdered supplements. I bought this one for $8.78.
Finding what works can take some time, patience, and trial and error but it will be worth it. Many times people starting out think that it is not 'working' at first. Some of that is about managing expectations. Your best course of action is to try a handful of different strains and keep notes - dosages, effects, pros & cons, etc. If you don't already have one, best to use a scale and read about figuring out dosages
Good Luck!
this is the scale you usually see people using (for good reason)
I've been happy with this guy (and I see I'm the 3rd person to post it): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/
I've seen a lot of other people post pics with this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002SVLB8E/
Just watch the specs when you order, those above measure max 100 grams, and are precise to 0.01g. There are models that look identical but have different specs. This one looks like #1 above but does 1000 grams x 0.1g, so less precision, but can weigh more at once.
Pick up a small digital scale from Amazon. They're cheap as hell, and are pretty accurate. Something like this.
No excuse to not have one, they are damn cheap
The weight per tablespoon or any similar measurement depends on the density of the powder or how course or fine the grind is.
I've used scales like these since I started with kratom:
You can get them on Amazon or eBay, and I've never paid more than $10 for them. They are cheap, but if you keep them clean they last quite a while. Years even. I've never purchased a calibrating weight, rather just test the accuracy using something with a known weight, such as US coins:
Then use that info when you're weighing out dosages.
a simple scale like on amazon would do the trick
Probably. Buy a scale, it is cheap and convenient.
Probably. Buy a scale, it's super cheap and it is very convienent.
This one costs 9 bucks: http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-0-01g-Digital-Scale/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1465021237&sr=8-5&keywords=digital+scale
This is the one I use and it has been perfectly function for my needs.
I ordered this small one from Amazon for under $9, have been very happy with it.
I can recommend one - I got one very inexpensively on Amazon :)
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 $9 and it works great to within 10mg. :)
Like others have mentioned - the precision statistic on the scale you posted is what's going to negatively affect you the most. Being off by .05 will make a difference in some smaller batch recipes and when you get up to 200g+ you may be off by nearly a whole gram.
I got this one for mixing on the go: AWS 100. But it only goes to 100g and doesn't have the bells and whistles like no auto-shutoff or calibration weights. I wouldn't suggest this one though if you're planning on mixing large batches. It's mostly just so I can mix a few 30ml bottles quickly.
Unfortunately with scales, you get what you pay for. Most people here suggest the AWS LB-501 because it covers all the bases.
If you're just into coffee for the cheap caffeine, then buy some caffeine. If you buy in sufficient quantities, a single 200mg dose is equivalent to a strong cup of coffee and costs less than a cent. Here is some cheap caffeine. You can either cap it (which requires a centigram scale, capsule machine, and gelatin capsules), dose it every time (requiring a centigram scale), or create a solution (which requires at least a decigram scale).
You could also just buy some caffeine pills at $0.04 per pill.
In any case, you're talking about a drug that's nearly free when you just buy it straight.
Either this: http://www.amazon.ca/American-Weigh-Signature-AWS-100-Digital/dp/B0012LOQUQ
or this: http://www.amazon.ca/American-Weigh-Scales-MSC-650-Optical/dp/B003STEILM
It's just if I buy a scale online, I need a way to disguise the package contents, since I live at home still
everyone needs one of these.
just save yourself some money, anywhere local will charge you like 24.99 for the same scale, hence a markup and a rip off
Sorry for the late reply, I was astonished at how reasonable this was http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00
My bad, I shoulda have included the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00
Actually this is the one you want because otherwise it will not be accurate enough for small quantities.
I have this one. It's hella cheap and very accurate and works well!!
only $10 and people will love you for having a decent scale.
We use this one, which looks like the same one, but it's not: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
> Where did you get yours? How do you actually measure? I actually have no idea how many grams I am even taking. Did you premix your dosages?
I got it from Kratom Trading Co. It's pretty inexpensive :)
I also got a cheap digital scale. It doesn't need to be that fancy, one like this should work. It's $10 and eligible for Prime if you have it! You could also use a food scale if you have one.
What I did was premix the bags themselves together in jars. I bought 1 ounce of Stem and Vein and 2 ounces of red bali to make the first two blends.
The first one: I started with 1/2 oz stem and vein (14 grams) and 1 1/2 oz red bali (my preference, 52g). That makes 2 ounces of a 75/25 mix.
Then I mixed another jar with the left over 1/2 ounce of Stem and Vein and the 1/2 ounce of leftover red bali. That made a 1 ounce bag of 50/50 mix.
I mixed them together so I didn't have any pure red bali to tempt myself. :) I hope this helps!
best scale I've used
this is the go-to if you ask me. http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-0-01g-Digital-Scale/dp/B0012LOQUQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1435436261&sr=8-3&keywords=digital+scale
$10 and works amazingly for everything i've used it for.
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
I've got this one with me at basically all times and make good use of it: http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-0-01g-Digital-Scale/dp/B0012LOQUQ
they're $11 on amazon.... (with prime, but who doesn't have prime?)
Yup, trust me, 20$ now for a scale will save you money in the long run. You'll inevitably underestimate how much of something you are taking, which can be dangerous at worse, and expensive as you go through supplements quicker at best.
This scale is on sale for 10 dollars right now actually, so I'd go with it. It has tons of good reviews. http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-0-01g-Digital-Scale/dp/B0012LOQUQ/
This one, which I have, is good though because it has a little metal cup to place the supplements in. I guess otherwise you could use a little paper cup or something, put it on the scale and tare it, then add your supplements if you go with the first scale.
This is the scale. It has an opening on the left side of the metal part of the scale.
Are you lookin' at scales or testkits?
Two great scales are the American Weigh AWS-100 (which does 100g x .01 increments) and the American Weigh Gemini-20 (20g x .001). As always, the more precise it is the better, but the AWS-100 will most likely work fine, but I recommend the Gemini if you can.
Pardon my ignorance but for what drug is this for?
I just know , The scales and baggies
Just bought This for 16$
I just took delivery of this two days ago. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
It's not fancy or high end, but it does work.
http://www.amazon.ca/American-Weigh-Signature-AWS-100-Digital/dp/B0012LOQUQ then right? Do you know any way of disguising the package contents?
Highly recommend this one on amazon. Works really well.
also these ittle boats are killer
$11 on amazon.... (with prime, but everyone haz) http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-0-01g-Digital-Scale/dp/B0012LOQUQ
doesn't seem like a head shop would be able to charge a 10x+ markup when amazon has them, with prime 2 day shipping, for $11
so you missed the entire part where i specifically addressed wanting it before amazon could ship it to me?
besides, if i had time to ship... $11 on amazon if you have prime... which everyone should