If you're limited on options the very first thing I would address is that TV stand. The design of your living area is drawing all attention directly to it. It is way too small to be the center of attention in that room like that, it looks like it's just sort of floating there. I would either A) replace it with something larger (this would also help hide the cables) or B) move it over closer to the corner of the room (though not directly right up against he windows) and re-arrange the seating to help avoid such a straight lined set-up. You don't have to break the bank with it, I got a $65 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005KUVZRW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 one at Amazon four years ago for my first apartment that is still more or less in one piece (though no longer in my main room). It might make your T.V. look a bit small, but it will make your room seem less like things are just floating out at sea. A rug would also do you some good. I like that you have wall art, but I'd move it to the other side of the TV (a lot more negative space on that side) and hang it just a tad lower (so the bottom of the frame is about two inches lower than the light switch). Just my thoughts.
Thanks. I brought the TV Stand off Amazon a while back. Had to replace my old one as it didn't hold all my systems.