hai kathryn u reminded me of a book!
You can only date people with one name though. Say, Katherine maybe.
How good do you want them to be? These aren't highbrow by any means, but they are some of my favorites:
<em>An Abundance of Katherines</em> by John Green or pretty much anything by John Green because he is amazing!
<em>The Dark is Rising</em> Series by Susan Cooper although to be fair, I read these when I was like 12, so they might not be as good as I remember.
That's all I can remember offhand. I'll think on it and add more if I have a chance.
If this interests you, you might like An Abundace of Katherines, by John Green. The main character is one of those "gifted" children who's been told how much potential he has his whole life, but now finds himself on the verge of adulthood without actual marketable skills. Really good read.