If you like the idea of living on an island I strongly recommend An Island to Onself by Tom Neale. It’s definitely a good read. Unfortunately while looking for the link to an Amazon site that sells it I found that they’re now selling it at a ridiculous price. Sorry about that.
> Thomas Francis "Tom" Neale (November 6, 1902 - November 27, 1977) was a New Zealander bushcraft and survival enthusiast who spent much of his life in the Cook Islands and 16 years in three sessions living alone on the island of Anchorage in the Suwarrow atoll, which was the basis of this autobiography.
I really like "an island to oneself" by Tom Neale. https://www.amazon.com/Island-Oneself-Tom-Neale/dp/0918024765
Sin is a made up concept by men to control other people. Learn to let that go. In the meantime, read up on those that have done this journey before you. I highly recommend An Island To Oneself by Tom Neale. He did it for many years exactly where you’re dreaming of: https://www.amazon.com/Island-Oneself-Tom-Neale/dp/0918024765
See also, this book, about a guy who deliberately lives in isolation on a tropical island for many years.