You know not of what you speak. Marx and Lincoln exchanged letters to each other for Christ’s sake…
I'm sure you found this book. I haven't read it personally since I'm not an American and I have a million others I want to get to first. I'm not knowledgeable on this.
Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx They even exchanged letters
It’s in this book, Marx deplored slavery and being a historical materialist believed the expansion of capitalism to the southern US would only be possible through the abolition of slavery and then the slave feudalism of the South could finally be conquered by capitalism, which could then be eventually replaced by socialism.
I'm pretty sure just about everybody knows about Robert KKK Byrd, because that's one of the most common stock responses conservatives bring out to "prove" that Democrats are just as racist.
Another favorite is when they call themselves the "Party of Lincoln", apparently not realizing that he had opinions on labor quite similar to Karl Marx (with whom he corresponded during the Civil War).
I recommend reading this book
Actually, your comment sparked an idea and I found the perfect gift for him: An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln
EDIT: Actually this one's probably better.
You really should read more.
>Well since we’re the only party that is fighting against the outright demonization against whites and discrimination against Asians at universities I think we’re still the only anti- racist party. And the Republican Party was never more “progressive” than the Democrats.
Interesting that the Republican party is only against racism when it is perceived racism against whites, dontcha think?
>The democrats always wanted more economic regulation/ government control and were always more progressive. Whether it be the creation of the federal reserve, requirements that businesses be racially segregated, or radical advocacy of birth control and abortion (look up Margaret Sanger).
You don't know what progressive means.
>The Republican Party has not “changed” when it comes to race. It’s never advocated for racial segregation, slavery, or giving one racial group preferences. The only party that has ever advocated for those things and has had to change on those issues is the Democratic Party.
This is categorically false.
The Republican party began advocating for racist policy post WW2, and the GOP began appealing far more to southern Christian conservatives. The opposite of their base from Lincoln to Roosevelt.
Not to mention the complete flip regarding environmental protection.
>Just look up what AOC and Ilhan Omar have said about Jews. Or what several democrats have said about whites and Asians being privileged or inherently racist.
White privilege exists whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Every intersections group has their privileges and their challenges. It is not racist to recognise that some have it harder than others based on race, birthplace, gender, or sexuality.
>Now Republicans aren’t perfect and of course there are racists in that party and that’s wrong. But the bulk of racism is and has ALWAYS been with the Democratic Party in the US.
Not every Republican is racist, but damn near every racist is a Republican. The KKK, NJP, and other neo Nazi orgs ain't endorsing biden.
>And I’ve never heard Lincoln and Marx being pen pals and would love you to provide evidence of that please.
It's not exactly a well kept secret:
An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln
>But even if Lincoln thought some of Marx’s ideas were right that doesn’t make Lincoln right about that. Lincoln was a great President and did a lot of great things for the country and with his life but was far from perfect.
Oh please, can you imagine if Marx were around today? Any politician who so much as acknowledged his existence would have millions of dollars in hate ads run against them and they damn sure wouldn't be Republicans sending letters to Karl.
See: any brown women in Congress and how much the gop pays in ads to get them voted out.
Lincoln was very aware of Karl Marx. Always has been.
Yes I have. Here's a book you can read on the subject:
There’s a book on it. An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln
I never denied war crimes. You just made the false, and ignorant assumption that those crimes are directly because communism and Marx and stuff, and I just pointed out you have no idea WTF you're talking about.
Reading Zinn makes you aware. Just like reading Marx, Engels, Proudhon, Chomsky, Abraham Lincoln, Weber, Dr. King, Malcom X, Che Guevara, Trotsky, etc etc.
People illegally flee from America to Mexico just to get dental care, so if "people fleeing" is your best argument for capitalism and against communism...... good luck! XD
>Look, just because Marx said Communism is democratic doesn’t mean it’s not authoritarian and capable of violating human rights.
The father of communism, and one of the most respected genius intellectuals to this day, and defender of human rights, idealizing and describing it as democratic... means communism originally is democratic.
You can choose to pick any random sociopaths and claim they were "communists", and therefore somehow (no explanation provided) that invalidates communism as a whole... but that doesn't make it remotely true. It's just you starting from "communism is bad" and walking back to try to justify your bullshit.
>It would be perfectly “democratic” for all right handed people to vote that all left handed people be killed and their possessions stolen.
No, that would be discriminatory and totalitarian. What a horrible, stupid example.
The bourgeois exploiters weren't just "born left handed". They made the conscious choice, just like today's CEOs and landlords, to exploit other people's labor, instead of getting a real job and career of their own.
>To look at actual history as well, the French reign of terror was extremely democratic.
That reign of terror inspired the founding fathers, and American democratic principles, still in use today.
Soon enough you'll realize the most revered American heroes were "commies" - like Abraham Lincoln, whose goal for the civil war was to free slaves as part of his plan to strengthen worker rights in the USA, as he exchanged letters about ideology and strategy with his friend and supporter overseas, Prof. Karl Marx.
If you're against Marxism, you're on the wrong side of history - you're pro-slavery, pro-Nazi, pro-war, pro-human rights abuses.
>So what specifically about Communism’s economic system makes it immune from these atrocities?
The simple fact that these atrocities had nothing to do with communism, and everything to do with psycho, evil idiots who carried them out, and really didn't have one communist bone in their body. The people they oppressed were communists - but like you said, they were dictators, and didn't give a shit what their people wanted. <-- Marx and Lincoln were pen pals