I will say that one looks promising, but in one of the photos you can see that the shirt behind it is very distorted, and the item in it aren't noticeably, problem is the distortion does up the deeper the depth of view. I have this [Anchor Hocking](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KKI7GY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) and the glass is quite thick and distorts the things inside it, would not recommend. If you do get that one, or if anyone else has, I'd love to know your thoughts.
I have a 2 gallon jar like this that works well for bombs and bubble bars. https://www.amazon.com/Anchor-Hocking-2-Gallon-Heritage-Hill/dp/B000KKI7GY
It’s a 2 gallon. Don’t do any water changes, just add primed water when I notice it’s getting a little low.
The Background:
My tentative setup right now has a two gallon reservoir watering a three gallon Smart Pot. I have a 5-10 gal fish tank filter that I've also added an activated carbon/ammonia neutralizing crystal filter and leveled filter to. I let my water set at room temperature (cycling through the filter) for several days before giving it to the plant. The water is exposed to 388 watts (~84,000lm) of warm and cool white LEDs in a Carbon Dioxide rich environment with filtered airflow.
My city water report is as follows, with ideal levels, followed by current city water levels:
I presume the Haloacetic Acids are the chlorine they use in the water treatment.
The Questions: