I had a friend who brought two Annoyatrons and hid them in his boss's office when he was leaving. Produces random buzzes and beeps (you can adjust how often, so if it only goes off once every few hours so quite hard to track it down, esp with 2 different locations) - and battery lasts 3 years.
Eviltron has these little noise buttons you can hide around the office. They randomly make muffled or quiet sounds like “ hey, can you hear me “ and “ bloop bloop “ sound of a cell phone text. I hid some in a friends house. Took them months to find them all. Amazon Link
I would be irresponsible of me to suggest hiding an Annoy-a-tron near the desk of your most uptight coworker.
If you can get ahold of some those noise makers that make you think you're going insane well worth the money lol
Hide one of these near her desk. In the roof or something.
one of these in the passenger compartment. just don't drop it into a space where's no longer retrievable.
It is time to go make friends with them!!! You cannot really mess with them until you know them. Go make friends.
Show up at one or two of their parties. Be friendly, have a drink, be social. Then hide this gadget somewhere in the house. Hide several of them. They beep at random times and supposedly have a 3 year battery life. The gift that keeps on giving.
Also get to know their immediate neighbors. One way to discourage loud late night parties is to ensure that the party throwers are woken up very early by some "normal" noise like a loud muffler or a rooster or some such noisy part of normal life. If they normally have a party until late on a Saturday night, Sunday morning is the perfect time to mow the lawn starting at 6am or 8 am. And doesn't one of the neighbors need a new muffler? One that is loud? RIght outside their windows? To rev a few hours after they have a party? Or maybe you can convince the neighbor to put in a hopscotch or 4 square or basketball area right outside their house so the kids can play games early in the morning? I know at one point the neighbors upset my father over something. So we got all of those things painted on our brand new driveway. Even when Bro and I were not playing on them, usually some neighbor kids were. It drove those neighbors nuts and they could not complain. It was usually the neighbor who irritated Dad who's grandkids were always out there playing and making the noise. His own grandkids drove him nuts for a couple of years by playing outside his bedroom window early in the morning before school. For years.
get this and stick it somewhere hidden and out of the way https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
it will randomly beep or make other sounds at irregular intervals which makes it hard to pin down where it is or even what's doing it
I'd do something more insidious to be honest.
Find his bedroom and throw a spotlight at it that turns on at night, full brightness.
Throw mint seeds and noxious weeds into his backyard.
Buy a few of these and put them around his property.
Buy a small computer, put in a wireless card and an antenna, and use Kismet to get his wifi password. Would take a couple of weeks I'm sure, but get access to devices and maaaaybe put in some files that law enforcement would be supremely interested in.
SWAT him from one a virtual phone #.
Don't fuck with beloved pets and hide behind the thin blue line.
Since ThinkGeek stopped selling their Annoy-O-Tron, try this. Hide it somewhere she won't look and set it to like a cricket noise or something. If she moves desks because of the noise, move the PCB a few days after (not immediately as to not draw too much suspicion). You might annoy your coworkers too, but if they find her as annoying as you do, they might put up with it should they find out who is behind it. But don't tell anyone you did it. If they find out on their own, ok, but don't tell anyone you did it.
This probably wasn't best served as convo in the group chat, but "idc about your well-being" would set me over the edge and make me petty as hell. Also makes me think there's other issues at play here.
I got a nice 10 step plan for your last month. Granted, I'm an asshole, so it's a bit overkill and won't actually solve your problem. It'd be fun though.
1.) Flip the hot water off. Idc about your well being but I care about my water/electricity bill. \n 2.) Flip the breaker for the bathroom off. Gotta leave the bathroom to fix that. 3.) Flip off his bedroom's breaker. Honest mistake-- thought it was the bathroom. 4.) Open the caps on bathroom products, accidentally bump em over on their side. 5.) Publicly call him out/try to embarrass him for jerking off so damn much on your shower. 6.) The food in the fridge was rotten, so I threw it out. 7.) Turn off internet, but keep the wifi network on. That way his phone is still connected to wifi and interrupts his porn. 8.) Move their shit. All the time. Shoes, dishes, food, phone, condoms. 9.) https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1 10.) Knock on his door if you're ever up earlier or later than him. This includes midnight snacks.
Again, nothing here actually will solve your problem like a good sit-down with the rest of your roommates would, but damn it'd feel good. Good luck with the toxic situation
I was thinking something more along the lines of custom making 20 of something like this, rig them to be temperature activated, and let them chirp when they detect the heat of the sun. Hand assembled and epoxied shut into hollowed out stones to blend in with the surroundings. Bill of Materials for each is about €3. Two problems I can think of. First of all good luck finding these to switch them off after they've served their purpose and secondly doing this is actually illegal.
They used to make one that didn't just beep, it would do things like quiet whispers. This is sort of what you can get now.
Walk around your place with your hands cupped behind your ears to try to narrow down location and/or direction. You're lucky it beeps so often - every 10 minutes or more would be much harder to find. Chances are it is some electronic device whose battery is dying: smoke or CO detector, UPS, clock, oven, TV, bluetooth speaker, etc. Worst case is that you've been pranked by a "friend" with something like this: https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
For the record - and I'm not saying I recommend this - I've used a prank like THIS on an ex boss. And it drove him nuts for like 9 months before he found it.
Might be that you wronged someone just enough to incur the random beep wrath.
inchiriezi apartamentul si instalezi din astea
Moderatorii sunt o natie extrem de superstitioasa si nu vor sta niciodata intr-o casa "bantuita". Ba mai mult vor face reclama si la alti moderatori sa evite.
Eventual o sa trebuiasca sa vanda proprietarul
In regard to irritating her, hide an Annoy-at-tron at her desk.
I can tell you from personal experience that if you hide it well enough (e.g., in a drop ceiling, taped beneath a drawer, inside a heating duct), it will likely never be found, and the beeping can absolutely drive someone up the wall.
buena suerte con eso en mi casa. 1: no hay espacio entre el piso y la puerta. 2. hay una cámara en la entrada con 120 grados de visión. pero si muy buena la broma. lo hice 1 vez con una gonorrea de vecina que tuve. tambien hice una maldad a una empresa con este dispositivo. https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
Another one -- these are pretty fucked up, but they're extremely effective. You can search for similar ones with "sound torture device."
Hide one somewhere your (ex) bf won't think to look, like under a coffee table or something. They last for 3 years, so the revenge will continue long after you're gone. People drive themselves mad trying to find it, and end up thinking it's in their head and something is wrong with them.
(Bonus points if you install it before leaving, and when he hears it, gaslight him and tell him you don't hear anything.)
My boss's brother pranked him with one years ago; after days, my boss was literally gonna go to the emergency room because he thought something was really wrong, and it wasn't until then that his brother stepped in and fessed up. Not sure if you wanna go this level of fucked up but, it's an option! Lol
Don't tell anyone about PO box and get glitter bombs and other prank items sent to the house anyway.
If you want to drive them crazy, get this and have it sent to the PO box
It beeps anywhere between every 5 to 45 minutes (at random) and the battery lasts 3 years.
I think it will be very difficult to make something trigger based on his car keys, as they use rotating codes now.
If you are looking to gaslight somebody, check out something like the AnnoyingPCB.
I'm sure you can find somewhere fun to hide it.
I got one with a magnetic mount and placed inside the removable side of an unused desktop computer for April Fools. Drove my supervisor raving mad.
There are many hiding spots in a vehicle. Bonus: You get to annoy any peeps apprehended between placement and discovery too.
Place these around the office. They make random faint beeping noises that are impossible to locate. It will drive people insane.
I think this deserves to be here.
Amazon Link
> I mean petty would be rigging up a raspberry pi connected to a speaker somewhere in the ceiling tile above and having it blare out the Star Trek red alert siren every morning at exactly 9.47am...
To obvious - this is a perfect situation for the anoyatron!
Here’s an annoying beeping devicethat can beep for 3 years straight lol
It's a random chirp noise maker designed to drive you crazy.
I'm all in for petty revenge. Since it's noise, get her a noise maker. Just find a spot near her window then think of a way to blend it into the surroundings. If it's noise she wants to complain about, give her some.
Alright, bet. There are these little devices you can buy that don't cost much but will just beep real loud at an interval that you can set.
How close can you get one of these to their bedroom?
You can always put noise makers in her room and eventually she will go crazy and possibly move out. There was a story on r/pettyrevenge that used these on an ex. The Ex eventually moved out of the house because she was hearing noises.
This one sounds more like what you described.
just go with these ones:
There used to be the annoyatron, a small device like this that does either beeping or cricket noises at random intervals so it's really hard to pin point. I put one behind a friend's fridge and he and his wife argued about who let the cricket into their house for a week until I told them where it was.
Evil evil evil.
You’d have to go to the trouble of buying it and all, but my wife and I when we dating exchanged this thing back and forth a few times.
Buy and hide a couple Annoy-a-trons around your house.
The best time to do this is either right now, and never acknowledge the beeps, or right before you move out for good.
I want to recommend this product at Amazon
AnnoyingPCB Classic | A Device That Won’t Stop Beeping! | Ultimate Gag Gift for People who Love Pranks | WFH Productivity Destroyer | Battery Lasts 3 Years | Assembled in USA
by Annoying PCB
Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KG6XHN1/ref=cm\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_HTVV9H5PY8GKDY33JSQ4
Now is the time to prank your wife by putting one of these somewhere in the house or in her car.
Hide one of these in his bedroom: AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years
>annoying beeping device
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years
if you want to be a real asshole you could always hide one of these somewhere in their house
Annoying PCB - https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
Can last three years on it's battery. and beeps randomly.
Just make sure it's something you can put somewhere that won't also inconvenience you.
Things won't quite "go to hell" with this one, but its still good for a laugh. If you worked in a physical location like an office or a store, the old classic "Annoy-A-Tron" is good for a harmless but annoying audio prank to hassle your coworkers in the days, weeks, months, and even years after your departure, depending on how long the battery lasts and how much effort they put into finding it.
Unfortunately, the real Annoy-A-Tron from ThinkGeek is no longer available unless you check out eBay or other used-product retailers (I miss you, ThinkGeek!). But there are many similar devices now. There are several cheaper products out there, but the AnnoyingPCB for about $16USD claims the battery will last for 3 years, which would be really ideal. I'd be genuinely surprised that you could hide it somewhere it wouldn't be found for that long though. (If anyone has good ideas for hiding places, please comment below.)
I also recommend, to keep the suspicion off of you, place the device some time before your last day. Bonus points if you do it the day someone else quits (lol). So then you'll have a chance to see how the thing works and even help point searchers in the wrong direction. And if it's found before you leave, then you have another chance to hide it better.
Good luck and have fun.
Have you thought of the good old annoyatron? https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=annoyatron&qid=1662433369&sr=8-3
probaj i ovo da nabavis https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
A device that emits a single chirp at random intervals with a battery that will last a few years.
Sign them up for jehovah's witnesses to visit.
Subscribe them gay porn mags.
Do you have a friend that enjoys pranks? This little puppy will last 3 years of hide and seek -- fun for all ages!
You could always hide a few of these near their windows and doors:
Oh I bet, which is probably why it's so frustratingly annoying. You're going to have to fight annoying with more annoying though, and kids are good at that. You know, if it's even possible to round them up to harass this guy on your behalf lol
These are also some possibilities to use in order to fight fire with fire:
https://poopsenders.com/ - you'll of course need to deliver it whenever dude sleeps.
https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1 -I successfully used one of these at a horrible workplace once
https://www.ebay.com/itm/371040222227 -disgusting stink bomb
Hide one of these in her bedroom: www.amazon.com/dp/B08KG6XHN1 (AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years)
Could be one of these if you've upset one of your friends.
Das ist nicht genau das Gerät das ich meinte, aber sowas in der Art
Buy a few of these and casually toss them in his door / through the balcony door or whatever.
I managed to find this: https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1/
This (or something like it) might be the best anyone can do.
Newegg bought Thinkgeek a few years ago and then decided to stop selling most of their products - so...the annoy-a-tron specifically is probably in limbo for the foreseeable future.
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KG6XHN1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_XSH0QFZH0WCX722B8P7X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I hear people really dislike this device.
Maybe one of these...?
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KG6XHN1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JKV7XDMCNCMQVFSBAMA0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
First guess? Something like this
just putting this here for absolutley no reason - https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop… | $15.97 | $15.97 | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop… | $15.97 | $15.97 | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
These aren't illegal either, assuming the command section isn't in a secure area with TEMPEST controls...
There are devices to annoy folks like this.
Hide one of these in the hall for entertainment.
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping for 3 Years https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KG6XHN1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1JN8ES2YY431WT75ZTMV
Seems unlikely, but potentially John is being pranked by ones of his kids or someone that had access to the basement. Could be something like this: https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1/
Not that exact one, but these types of 'toys' have been around for years and there's various models.
just make sure your kids aren't pranking you...
At least it wasn't one of these Annoy-a-Tron's
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AnnoyingPCB Beeping Prank Device - Small, Annoyin… | $15.97 | $15.97 | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
There was a great story in r/MaliciousCompliance which included these.