I'm not sure there's one single, easily accessible work that lays this all out. The Wikipedia entry on English Arminianism is pretty succinct and provides some of the more popular sources. The same for Laudianism.
The "Tyacke thesis" was most fully spelled out in the author's 1987 book "Anti-Calvinists" which is an 8-chapter expansion of an earlier article he wrote. This is where he spells out the anti-Calvinist "reaction" to the court consensus. His circle often includes works by Kenneth Fincham, Peter Lake, and Kevin Sharpe. They frequently respond to Patrick Collinson, who wrote heavily on (Elizabethan) puritans. While each has a monograph or two, several of them have edited important essay collections that may or may not be easily available at libraries. Diarmaid MacCulloch has also written on English Christianity.
In terms of Lutheran impact, David Gehring wrote a great historiographical essay that underscores a lot of the research (including a good bibliography) that's been done on the topic.
Anthony Milton and Peter McCullough are also names that may be of note (though the latter tends to focus specifically on Lancelot Andrewes, and his 2005 edition is a fantastic piece of scholarship.