It's my time to shine :')
Khan AcademyGood for lighter reviewing or if you learn better with audio/video content
The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning which is geared towards teachers, but is a great source of info if you like ppt presentations and traditional classroom learning
Learn Conceptual Physics's site for those tough concept q's
The Physics Classroom which has a TON of simulations and lil physics games, which are great as mini-demos if you can't do labs at home, as well as plenty of text and accompanying diagrams. They also have lots of review questions!
The APlus Physics site which is a great supplement to the book, and is very specific to the test. The book gets great reviews and I am using it currently, just know that it teaches the essentials of the course and isn't bogged down with detail. So it's good to use as a base if you don't know a lot about a topic, and then use another source for more challenging content.
The Learnerator site has a lot of questions for AP Physics as well! I'm not quite sure how many of them are free?? But the ones I've tried so far seem very well organized!
And of course, the College Board's page for AP Physics students! It goes without saying, but anything here is the closest thing there is to official content.
Also, here's an old AP Physics B/C review book! Keep in mind this is for the old test, so it contains less conceptual content, and you'll need to pick out which topics you actually need to know.
Speaking of topics, here's a breakdown of the course content! This will tell you what you need to cover by the end of the year, so you can pace yourself.
There are also a few review books out there now! I'll link you to the Amazon pages of the two I see recommended the most: the aforementioned APlus Physics Essentials book and the 5 Steps to a 5 book, both of which are pretty short, so if you're looking to teach rather than review you'll want to supplement these.
You shouldn't need a textbook if you use all of these resources, but check your local library if you really want one. It's free and you won't be paying to rent 9 months of a textbook you'll use for 5 and never need again.
Hope this helped!
I hear AP Physics 1 Essentials is an amazing book for learning concepts, but I haven't personally used it myself. You could probably give it a good read this summer.