New window and new doors. It's so much more quite now. Blocks all but 90% of the road noise.
summertime: swamp-cooler
edit: actually a 5 filter reverse osmosis for drinking water
you can grab a 5 stage APEC brand reverse osmosis system off amazon for right at $189. I have one, bought my brother and sister each one for their birthdays. they gag now when someone cooks with or makes coffee, etc with tapwater. the difference in taste is astounding.
I picked this one up from amazon last year. No complaints so far. (This model requires drilling your sink but, I think there are other models for no-drill instillation.)
I have moved 3X with my APEC system
Have to tap into the Cold, and adapt the drain, but these changes are relatively easy to reverse (tip: take apart your drain, buy a matching piece, and zip-tie the new one under your sink somewhere, so voila it's right there when you need to move out). Not the smallest but I always found a way to fit the filter unit and tank thingie under my sink.
If it helps any, we purchased this reverse osmosis system about a year ago and have been super happy with it so far. Great tasting water and the replacement filters are pretty cheap. Installation is pretty easy, too.
I had this for over a year. Water tastes better than ever. Change filter once a year and they are like $25
RO system all the way. We bought this about 2.5 years ago and I’m totally off bottled water. I take my own to restaurants even. We love it.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
I have this one and like it so far:
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
It takes my water from about 400 ppm TDS to about 20 ppm
Still seems like a huge waste of money.
If you are getting the 24 pack at $24 (or $20.40 after your 15% discount), and you go through your recommended 3.7 liters (assuming your a male adult) which is roughly 7.4 bottles a day. Over a 30 day month you are drinking 222 bottles of Fiji water costing about $188.70/month, or $2264.40/year.
Sticking with Amazon, you can get a 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis filter with installation for about $450.
Even if we consider this to be on the low end and you went with a plumber for installation and parts/service it would be cheaper withing a year than your current setup (with a LOT less environmental impact).
EDIT: Just read you are also cooking with it as well! Seriously, just get the System, save money and the environment.
You can grab multi stage filtration systems that fit under your sink, look for Reverse Osmosis water filtration. Here's an example of one (haven't tried that one however, just found after a search).
You just have to be sure you replace the filters every now and then, and for most the filters are relatively cheap and you don't replace them too often.
They charge that much because they can. Getting you on their maintenance schedule is one of their best ways to make money. Don't buy the filters from them, just google your filter model# and you can probably get them online for under $40.
For well under $300 you can buy an entirely new reverse osmosis system like this. DIY install is pretty easy if you're even slightly handy. Replacement filters are $30 every 1-2 years.
Home RO user here, too. $200 for this one, the filters end up costing some $50 a year. Lack of minerals really isn't an issue so long as your diet is adequate, although I do like to add a tiny bit of magnesium to mine to enhance coffee extraction.
I bought this one on Prime day for $170:
APEC Water Systems ROES-50...
I hook it up to an outside hose so install was extremely simple.
I got the Wards Lab "beer water" test on the resulting water for 45 bucks so I could dial in my water chem exactly.
Most important thing is (and I am a water snob) does the resulting water taste good to you? It did for me. The city water that goes into that filter is putrid though.
I used bottled gallon water before, but with rising costs made this system easy to justify. I use it for my coffee system water also.
I would greatly appreciate it! What is TDS? I was looking at this
Thank you! I was mainly looking at this:
My primary concern with the wastefulness is with the water bill, not the environmental effects. But I'd imagine the cost of wasting water from your own filters would be cheaper than having to buy cases of drinking water. Not to mention removing the plastic waste.
No problem! I ordered the APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series but I'd imagine any of the RO systems at that price are all about the same. Took me less than 2 hours to install, but a lot of that time was spent trying to find a part that I dropped. Only "permanent" damage was drilling a 1/4" hole into a PVC pipe, and the reservoir tank takes up a good amount of space, but it's all been worth it to me.
The water is only as cold as your cold water tap, but fill up some ice cube trays with the filtered water and you're set if you want it colder.
For water, get a 5-stage RO water filter and put it under the kitchen sink. If you have a sprayer, use that hole for the RO faucet.
There aren't a lot of speeding traps but there's a lot of traffic so unless you're buzzing around MLK you're probably not going to hit any real speed except on off hours.
The local take by the cops? Generally speaking they're not cool about it. I don't see them going out of their way to find it but if they do, they're probably not giving you a pass.
Other weird intricacies? I'm sure there are but, compared to what? Is Ricky Meeks still around? lol
Bought this a few years ago and love it. The water tastes great. You still have to change filters every few months, but it's probably equivalent to buying bottled water - and you'll never run out! I ended up splitting the line and running it to the ice maker on our fridge too.
I bought mine on Amazon for around 300. I love it. My water is crystal clear and tastes awesome. I even ran a line to my fridge. No more floaties from my ice cubes.
I installed it myself. It was super easy. Just make sure you buy one with plenty of filtration. This is the one I got
APEC Water Systems ROES-50...
I think they're all basically the same, as long as they have the same filtration types.
I have had it for two years and have replaced the filters once a year.
You can get the best water out here with this or similar reverse osmosis filter:
Installation took about 40 minutes, despite the fact that I do not have the qualities of a handy housekeeper.
After 1.5 hears of daily using it for drinks and food it still shows 5 ppm which is super low.
I was able to get rid of a ton of trash in the form of empty plastic bottles as a result. Of the downsides, I now notice "bad" drinking water everywhere, including in cafes, restaurants, and drinking fountains.
That would work but a less of a intrusion but requires a plumber is to tap into the water supply with a separate dispinser.
Here is a link to the RO system I purchased. It's just the standard plastic ro line, it fits into the push connect fitting no problem. I've even set up an RO before but have never connected it to the fridge.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50...
Thanks again for the help.
Your water is too hard to allow pH buffers to work effectively. You can add some peat moss in a net or nylons, or add some driftwood. These help neutralize the alkalinity but can turn your water a brown hue.
Alternately you could buy an Reverse Osmosis (RO) system to give you higher quality to start with. Around $200 on Amazon.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
I have an Apec pretty similar to this one along with a permeate pump to boost flow. I will be using a 12v pressure pump that hits 35psi or so to supply the filter. Waste water will be collected and used for flushing toilets and other non potable uses.
Is it undrinkable now? Bad taste? Seems like you have a decent treatment system already. Have you just tried a Britta filter and does it taste ok?
There are some affordable under the sink RO systems that have good reviews.
I live in Las Vegas, my tap water is normally 450 TDS. I have discus and go through about 30 gallons of RO water a week and still have <3 TDS water after 16 months. I got this one
I bought this filtration system last year, and have really liked it. I get comments on how the water tastes good every month or two by visitors.
If you have the budget, something like this would work well...
There are many different variations of these systems, too. Prices vary significantly. We've used similar systems for years, good water quality.
RO isn't overkill, it's the only filter that works. This is $200 and fits all of your criteria. I have it it's a great filter.
I would possibly look into something like this it's a little bit pricy but a small price to pay for the comfort and longevity of your fish. If you have more than one sink in your home maybe install on the one you use less and only use it for tank maintenance
I had an old 4 stage Culligan system that came with my house. I used KleenWater replacement filters that seemed to do the job well enough. I gave that system to a family member though, and am just finishing up designing a custom system.
If I were to buy a preassembled system, this one seems potentially good. I don't have any experience with it though:
I got this one a couple years ago and I'm super happy with it. We're on well water so it kinda tastes like ass. Now it tastes better than Fiji bottled water. Replacement filters are only about $30 every year so maintenance is pretty cheap, too.
I installed the APEC ROES-50 a couple years ago and it has served me well. My water is very hard well water that then goes through a softener for regular house use so it’s coming in at something like 400-500 ppm TDS and I’m getting about 10 ppm TDS out.
Could probably get a little more efficiency if I put something to boost my water pressure before my system, but I’m fine with 10 ppm as that’s still a pretty blank slate for brewing and the output is quick enough for me to get the water I need over the course of a day.
Not OP but APEC is the gold standard when it comes to RO systems.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
I live in an apartment. I installed a 5 gallon 5-stage water filter under the kitchen sink. I just used the hole in the sink for the sprayer for the faucet from the RO filter and it's worked fine. And it'll be easy to take with me when I leave. This is the unit I purchased if curious.
In Broomfield our water smells fishy in the summer, so I installed this 5 stage water filter a few years ago. Best $199 i ever spent. The water tastes so good, and haven't even needed to replace the filters yet.
Check out berkey water filters I had a one for a long time and was pretty happy.
Upgraded to this a few months ago and have been super happy (not apartment friendly)
You can do a non-permanent install of an RO water system. Does your sink have a hole for a sprayer? Do you use it a lot? If not, repurpose the hole for the RO unit. They're sub-$200 for a 5-stage unit with a 5 gallon tank. When you leave your apartment, take it with you. This is the one I have.
Might not be helpful immediately, but I switched from buying distilled water to a reverse osmosis water system back in July. The RO unit was $189 on Amazon, hookup was easy enough to do myself.
I was tired of buying distilled water for CPAP and liked the idea of super-filtered water for drinking.
APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System (ESSENCE ROES-50)
I bought this one on Amazon a few months back. It’s working well for me. My only complaint is it says the expansion tank is 4gal, but I only get about 3gal at a time. The tank refills pretty quickly though.
Nope. Buy it from Amazon of Costco or the manufacturer. Amazon has forced mail order to swallow the shipping costs.
There's also this unit which looks to be identical to the one I bought for $50 less.
The key parts are the filters which are the same. Amazon sells a replacement filter pack for around $35 and because it's more than $25, shipping is free for that as well. The only expensive consumable is the RO filter which you replace once every two years or so.
They are usually under sink setups with separate faucet/filters/tank.
Something like this.
A multi-stage reverse osmosis filter is your best bet. It will produce water that's 99% pure.
Here's a good one:
APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System (ESSENCE ROES-50)
Expansion tanks are pretty much interchangeable across all RO systems. So not really helpful. If the RO looks like this then you should be in good shape. They're not phenomenal, but very fixable. Any way you could show me the pictures? I could probably ID the unit for you.
Has anyone installed a reverse osmosis drinking water filter system? It looks like one of the cheapest ways to filter water in the long run, although it does waste water. This one has really good reviews.
I have an under the sink one. I thought about getting the whole house one, but then decided I don't really care about using tap water to wash my butt in the shower.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
Around 1999/2000 my family became a bottled water/water delivery only family. Those big ass Poland Spring Fridge Dispensers, Water Cooler Tanks, and various size sports bottles add up over the years.
After moving to central Suffolk around about 6 or 7 years ago, I had the Water Authority over to test our water. Report showed everything was "within safe parameters".
What they don't tell you, is that some of the more concerning compounds have no legal limit establish nor has any mitigation/filtering technology in place.
This is the undercounted RO filter I got off Amazon a few years back. I got the Icemaker/Fridge Adaptor as well.
This company also makes whole house systems + RO Drinking/Cooking system that can be purchased for under $3,000.
I stay on top of the filter replacement, and check the total PPM with a tester about twice a year. haven't had any issues with it.
If you are worried about missing mineral flavor you may want to look into mineral drops or something like Third Wave water supplements for coffee brewing.
Condo HOA fees includes water so idgaf about the waste water ratio but from what I understand it may impact you bill significantly.
I'm not an expert, just someone who did minimal research and got a reverse osmosis system for under my kitchen sink. It wasn't too hard to install and I don't experience any water pressure issues. It definitely works as the smell of chlorine is totally gone and the ppm has gone from mid 200's (tap water) to between 10-20 (RO water).
This is the one i bought:
I have this RO filter on Amazon and its the best purchase i've made in a while. You can taste the difference in the water. -> RO Filter
This one is great: APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
We have this one installed-
It greatly changes the way the local water tastes. We moved from the Bay Area (CA) to the Chicago area. Drank tap water mostly in CA, but it's terrible here, so we installed this.
Beware, I believe when you use reverse osmosis I believe you take out the fluoride. If you have growing kids this can be a pretty big deal, if you don't, you may want to make sure you get an extra fluoride treatment at the dentist and brush extra well.
Hey no electricity, they run off water pressure.
I have a TDS (total dissolved solids) water meter. We just moved into my current home last year, the tap water was measuring 180-190ppm (no idea what but solids in the water). I installed this system:
My TDS measures 0-3ppm now.
APEC is a decent brand and replacement filters are very common (lowes/home depot even has them iirc). If not there, local water treatment centers will for sure.
ahh, if you are the renter, you may not want to go this route. it requires putting in a separate drinking tap in the sink tapping into the drain line and also connecting to the supply supply. essentially, permanent mods and I don't know if you would be able to really just take it with you.
tanked systems ( don't require power but replacing filters and general maintenance is a chore and you have to watch them afterwards for a couple of days for leaks.
tankless systems ( require power, but filter swaps are much easier, I do believe there are some tanked systems that have a more easy to swap filter system, but at the same time you should disinfect the tank periodically etc. that maintenance is still much more involved on a tanked system
Undersink reverse osmosis system. We use a 3 stage from APEC (ROES 500), the quality is very good and the install is relatively straightforward. I've installed two of these and used the water with both of our kids for formula and general drinking.
With regards to the water wastage ("brine" -- RO essentially creates waste water as it requires the water pressure to pressurize the lines and the holding tank), you can reduce that by installing a permeate pump that uses that brine water to further pressurize your holding tank.
Then, with the brine waste water line, instead of connecting it to your sink drain pipe and sending it into the sewer, since it's still relatively clean (basically just unfiltered tap), you can route the line into a catch basin for gardening or other use.
Berkey filters are glorified Brita filters.
APEC ROES500 filter:
Permeate pump:
High flow output kit:
You can upgrade all the lines from 1/4" to 3/8" and avoid the dreaded slow water filter faucet deal, mine dispenses at much higher pressure and I can fill a 1 liter of water in about 10 seconds.
What is your thought on:
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
This is a standard 5 stage RO system. They are everywhere for $100-200 or you can build your own.
Not difficult at all. I'd say if you're about a 3/10 on the handy scale you can install it. The only modification you need to do to your current setup would be to drill a small hole in the drain tailpiece to route the rinse drain tube for the RO system and add in the water feed T fitting on your cold water line. From there, for the tap, if you have a hole in your sink already for a soap dispenser or sprayer head you can mount the tap there.
For an apartment there's other options like a Berkey countertop water filter. You just fill the top reservoir with water and it will gravity filter to the tank below. Pros are that it doesn't require any installation or work with your water lines, cons would be that they're around the same price for an RO system and take up counter space. If I was still in an apartment and couldn't easily splice in an RO system, I'd go with a Berkey.
This is the APEC system I have installed. Brought my TDS* PPM down from around 400 to 8. I later added a mineral stage and PPM only came up to 12. The mineral stage is supposed to help with flavor but I didn't notice a big difference, tastes excellent either way. Adding the mineral stage didn't introduce any hardness / scale in my pans and water kettle.
*Just a footnote about Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measured by Parts Per Million (PPM), it's just a measurement of any dissolved solids and high TDS doesn't necessarily mean bad water. Areas with clean water with a lot of good minerals present will have higher total dissolved solids.
That is the RO filter I have used for a year with no issues. If you only need <3 gallons of water at a time it is great.
I have never done TDS or hardness testing. Qualitatively there is a huge difference in taste between tap and my RO water.
this or similar
PFAS is still in the drinking water if that's your concern. Get a 5-stage RO water filter and put it under your kitchen sink. (This is the one I have, if you want a recommendation.)
Here's some research on the effectiveness of filters. A two stage filter removed 94%. Full home systems varied widely. But if you're just looking for clean cooking/drinking water, a 5-stage RO system is the way to go.
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This is what you should get: APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
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Good on ya for the softener, because you do have hard water. As for the r/O what kind of sink/countertop do you have? Most 5 Stage r/O's are relatively the same. If you get a brand such as Culligan, you'll have to buy their filters that are usually twice the price of generic. Take a look at Amazon and pick out something that meets your needs. We have installed 100's similar to this:
I'm looking at purchasing a reverse osmosis system for my new house. Relatively cheap on Amazon, not too difficult to install.
Here's one I'm looking at:
I've had this one for over a year now and I'm pretty happy with it. It's a 5 stage RO system about $189 at the moment. Water tastes great and I'm in a hard water area with nasty tasting tap water.
I've previously owned an on counter model from the same manufacturer which also worked great. APEC is a US manufacturer and has been around a while. I'd be wary of foreign manufacturers and you definitely want a manufacturer that is going to be around for a while so you can get filter replacements.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System
We bought this for our house and love it.
APEC Water Systems ROES-50...
The PDF instructions on that page have all the information you need.
Red - water input
Blue - purified water
black - waste water
That's all there is to it and it's pretty hard to fuck those 3 connections up.
It's for aquariums and I am not sure why anyone would use aquarium equipment for drinking water? You could have spent $40 more dollars and bought a legit system for drinking water.
Return the aquarium equipment and buy legit filter.
If you are bound and determined to drink aquarium water then you need a drain saddle for the drain line.álvula-Connect-under-sink-sistema-saddle-drain/dp/B01IIIJLBO
What do you think about this one? Seems like a solid product.
I'm not saying that $200 and an hour job with a plumber wouldn't solve your problem, but it would.
Buy an RO setup.
APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System (ESSENCE ROES-50)
This is the best one I think. Happy to install it!
That's what i did and i'm never going back!
It's a waste of money though- you can buy an RO filter on amazon for $200:
>Nothing filters bacteria and diseases.
I even own filters that can fit in my pocket that filter bacteria and viruses.
> Those are killed at the city's water treatment plant, with chlorine.
I live in the second largest city in my state, and I don't have city water. I have a well that is 20 feet outside my door, and a pressure tank below my sink. I drink my tap water, there are just times I need bottled water, which you apparently have ignored and can't even comprehend.
>If you want to get rid of the chlorine taste without using a filter, pour a pitcher of water and leave it out in the sun for a little while.
I'm not just talking about taste dude. I'm telling you that there are times where I have water that is so full of muck and mud, even after filtering through a $1000 system that uses $150 filters, UV, and through a britta pitcher, that's it tastes like a fucking ditch. Literally if it rains more than an inch where I live, the run off makes my water taste like rancid fucking mud that no filters will get rid of.
>I have to refer you to this post about the rest of your comment.
Why did you send me there? It's just you saying that filters cost less than bottled water, which I've already proved you wrong twice, showing that your filters are almost 400% more expensive than bottled water.
most likely not. An RO system usually is too big to be in the fridge, they look like this.
yeah, those tablets are dirt cheep and work well.
I notice our water fluctuate too. Sometimes ok... some times smells like a swimming pool.
It could be that you moved into a different area of town that has a different water refinery plant/aquifer. I am in Florida and experience a good deal of sodium in the water and the only way to get that out is with RO or Distilled water. Overall I feel like if my water is fluctuating i wont be able to produce consistent beer so naturally starting from a "blank slate" and adding in the right solids/salts makes sense to me.
I ended up picking up the APEC-50 which was easy to install, took maybe a hour or two. Besides brewing water it is great for drinking water, cooking, and coffee. Filters are pretty cheep to replace ($25 yearly) and every 3-5 years you replace the membrane and filters which costs $60. If you want to get fancy, you can even run them into your refrigerator for ice & chilled water.
they also make a portable version too if you don't want to installed
A home water purification system costs $269 on Amazon and is rated to make potable water safely. They can be installed by a teenager that can watch YouTube. If First Nations don't have drinking water maybe it's their own fault.
>I don't got a fancy degree, but those aren't things you need to be doing unless your water is messed up.
The fuck it isn't.