I have the same Apex roof rack/basket. Its pretty awesome and covers most of the roof.
pic of result: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13913899_10101915139112955_1443229652110627392_o.jpg
link to rack, get the bigger size option: https://www.amazon.com/62-5-Luggage-Cargo-Storage-Fairing/dp/B004HEBN1A/ref=sr_1_14?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1472561013&sr=1-14&keywords=roof+rack
Mine is the Barricade roof rack from extremeterrain.com and it has a basket on it from Amazon. The roof rack is very good. I go to Moab like 20 times a year and this thing has been so awesome. It looks cool (I have had people stop me on the street to ask where I got it) and it's super tough and adds a ton of storage to the TJ. I installed mine alone in about 3 hours. It's a good purchase.
Some pics of the rack in use: http://imgur.com/a/CCzVr
Looks like most of the cheap roof baskets you can find on amazon. Example:
Apex RBC-6245HD Black X-Large Steel Roof Cargo Basket https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004HEBN1A/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
62.5" Roof Luggage Cargo Storage Rack with Wind Fairing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004HEBN1A/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_9GeXxbR3YDQ9K
I bought a lot of my lift kit parts here. The owner is awesome and very informative. I actually ordered the wrong shocks and he called me up to make sure that I was not completely dumb.
To make it better for camping it really depends on what you are looking for. I got my roof rack here. Pretty sure it is that one, I got it as a Christmas present. Amazon is a great place to get stuff like that also. Another redditor here just posted that he is starting a website so you may want to check it out here.
Like I said though, it is completely up to you with what you want to do and what you are looking to do. Those are good places to start for sure. Good luck and have fun!