I’ll check out Alex’ book
Most recent global warming book I read was this one (Micgael Shellenberger “Apocalypse Never”)
I recommend this book for anyone interested in climate change:
I recommend Michael Shellenberger's book Apocalypse Never for environmentalist's view on climate change (it involves reducing the alarmism and focusing on nuclear)
Here's one you should read: Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YCSVVGR/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_VZGQTYYF1RCSBZD91B2K
This just isn't accurate - I see you found his twitter which has plenty of highlights, but if you want to look past the headlines, he has written books, articles and had interviews where you can get additional nuance to his positions. Couple choice things I felt were worth responding to in your post:
> He is rejecting the largely proven but bureaucratically challenging “housing first” policy
Where has it been proven successfully? In his books, blogs, he's brought up research where it's never been successful, and proposes shelter first, housing earned policies that have been successful in places like Portugal and the Netherlands.
> Where is his climate change agenda?
He's literally written a whole book about it (https://www.amazon.com/Apocalypse-Never-Environmental-Alarmism-Hurts/dp/B07YCSVVGR/) and leads a nonprofit that focuses on this issue (https://environmentalprogress.org/). Highlights are on his website (https://www.shellenbergerforgovernor.com/issues/energywaterhousing/).