That is pretty sweet! I'm trying to find siltarp in Canada or places that sell it here in Canada dollars so I don't have to pay a fortune for customs but I'm having a hard time.
Edit: Found this Not sure if I can do better or not. Don't know much about siltarps yet.
There's this on Amazon for only US$70. It's 10' x 7' though
I'm just getting into tarps myself and found these two on amazon prime:
They're both about the same size. According to this guide silnylon stretches when wet but is lighter and stronger when new than silpoly, but silnylon loses strength when wet and over time due to UV rays. So silpoly is a bit heavier but lasts longer and is stronger over its life.
I'm probably going to pick the silpoly one, but both seem to be a better choice than the MEC tarp.
I got this one and it's been great so far.