Well, for beginners I would actually recommend finding short stories in Arabic to help you build your vocab. The podcasts I recommended above are more suitable for high intermediate to advanced learners. There’s a book available on Amazon called Arabic Stories for Language Learners that I highly recommend! It has a number of stories in Arabic with the English translation on the page next to it. It also comes with an audio CD where they narrate the stories slowly and clearly. I think it’s a great resource that is well worth the $15.
There’s this one I have. The stories start easy and short and progressively become longer and harder (though not too hard). It also comes with a CD with someone reading the stories in Arabic (although I’ve never used it so I can’t comment on that:
Arabic Stories for Language Learners: Traditional Middle Eastern Tales In Arabic and English (Free Audio CD Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0804843007/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NEN6SYA5TZE6WER7J2T2
Arabic Stories for Language Learners: Traditional Middle Eastern Tales In Arabic and English (Free Audio CD Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0804843007/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RZ6FPZ8GB59XNPS99341?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This was helpful
one book I would highly recommend isArabic stories for language learns. The stories range from simple paragraph short tales to longer stories. They provide you with free native audio of each story and questions about the story!
I have made a quizlet folder for each story I have done (only until story 8). each deck includes the words I didn't know in the story ranging from about 10-27 in one page. I can share the link here but unfortunately im taking a pause on the book so I won't be updating after story 8 for quite some time. If you want you can use my decks and update them to match your needs.
here is the link
please let me know if you can access it!
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