I'm so glad you are away from him. Make a "crime sheet" of all the shitty things he's done in case he tries to come back and love-bomb you. Do it now while your memory is intact--distance can make things look not as bad as they were.
I highly recommend this book:
Are You The One For Me? Knowing Who's Right, Avoiding Who's Wrong
It helps you look at your relationship missteps and avoid red flags next time. I found it invaluable.
Here's a good book for that. Its a bit gender specific (hetero/cis) and slightly monogamy focused (author is christian I think, but religion is not included, it just talks about marriage) but its really good it's called "Are you the one for me?"
By Barbara De Angelis, Ph. D
I highly recommend it. It covers everything, not just the "redflags."