I believe the saying goes, "If you lend a man money, and he never pays you back, then it was worth it."
Sounds to me like your now ex is a bitch, it sucks you lost your job, but this may just be the moment and time in your life to make a change and really be happy.
Sitting around and moping won't change a damn thing. Give yourself a few minutes to really get sad, really cry your face off, really cry. Like big-girl-we-ran-out-of-ice-cream cry. And then, pick yourself up and realize you can't cry forever. Do something about the situation.
And then, be a man, be assertive and put out job applications. Don't take a break from work, but put out apps. THEN you can make a decision on what you want to do next.
Then sit back and be ready with how life is. If your ex is willing to leave you because you got laid off, could you imagine her or anyone like her as a wife? Fuck her, I say you're better off.
Now give me a FUCKING high-five. to the point Are You Tired and Wired?: Your Proven 30-Day Program for Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue and Feeling Fantastic Again.