Yes - Arista Warrior is most excellent.
Also, consider downloading vEOS, spin up a few virtual Arista switches using ESXi or VirtualBox or Docker/Vagrant/whatever floats your boat, hook them up together (virtually) and go to town building and testing and breaking various features and topologies.
>Network Warrior is always worth a read, even in 2030.Also, check the author's latest Arista Warrior
You can get the ACE Level 1 for nearly nothing if you have access to cEOS.
Read Arista Warrior, set up a containerlab, and get to labbing.
Nothing official like Cisco Press. Although there is a road-map for this content to be published. The best there is out there, is the Arista Warrior book.
Also, Arista's Offical Documentation on their website is some of the best in the industry in my opinion. It's right up there with Junipers documentation.