If you can get some glass etching acid which they sell at craft stores paint elensky and they'll have to go to the dealer to replace. Be there for a while...takes time to get a dealer to replace window. It's not cheap, but if you can find it... Armour Etch Cream, 10-Ounce https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B001BE3UM4/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_MB5B8PCW7T58N3WBKW6F
I used this stuff, spread it on for 15 minutes, washed off.
The funny part is when I washed it off the glass was completely clear and unaffected. I thought the stuff was junk. But once the water dried it was perfectly etched.
Thanks! I used this cream, Armour Etch, to etch the glass. It's pretty harmful stuff so you have to be careful with it. The holders are small leather straps with little screw in studs. They're just tacked down to another piece of wood. Let me know if you'd like any more info!
If you want to do glass etching, you basically can do this:
1) Put some masking tape on the glass.
2) Draw what you want etched on the glass on the masking tape.
3) Use an Xacto knife and gently cut out the design you just drew.
4) Use some etching cream on the area exposed, where you just cut away.
Now you have the design 'etched' in to the glass. I don't know if this will work with plastic too, but it's worth a shot.
Looks like a good walkthrough! Good cheap suggestions.
If you're doing plexiglass, you're going to have to use letter stickers to stay cheap. However, if you use glass, you can use glass etching cream and an overhead transparency stencil to etch letters.
Of course, you'd be certain it'd never break if you used plexiglass, but the etched glass would look way better. . .
I would also suggest using 'glazing tips' (just google 'em) instead of hot glue if you end up using real glass, but TheMadHatter made a good list of suggestions!
Permanently, assuming they're really glass https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001BE3UM4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZMJ7FZK8RE3VD5P9RDWW
Removable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083TBNCT6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_dl_C0RZQCMRH8MJ3Q92AWMX
Or you could get a backdrop of some kind
They're really easy to make! All you need is glass mugs, etching cream, and gloves and decals. If you know anyone makery/crafty, they are very likely to know someone with a Cricut or other cutting machine - they can whip the decals up for you in no time, but you can also diy it with contact paper and a lot of patience. I use goo gone to help peel the decal when I'm done etching, but you can just pick it off by hand with time and an edged tool of some sort. The decal application and removal is the hardest part, if you've got steady hands or deft fingers, or even just a lot of patience, you can totally do this!
Any thoughts of doing it yourself? Have a sign/vinyl shop cut out the design/words you want and use a glass etching product from Amazon
If you're feeling artsy or you have a stencil, try your hand at making them yourself. I started with a few "tester" glasses until I got comfortable then I made some custom snifters for my tasting group. Amazon link for "glass etching cream": https://www.amazon.com/Armour-Etch-15-0200-Cream-10-Ounce/dp/B001BE3UM4
With this kind of stuff:
You can also buy Etching Cream instead of sand blasting. It chemically etches the glass, but not as resilient as sand blasting.
The vinyl is going to come off of that glass. Buy some of this and create a permanent design. http://www.amazon.com/Armour-Etch-15-0200-Cream-10-Ounce/dp/B001BE3UM4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422858718&sr=8-1&keywords=armour+etch