Same here. I google the instruction manual often. Why? I throw out the package of rice that has "3/4 cup to line 1" on it. Repeatedly.
I will only own a higher end Aroma Rice cooker like this one here.
Simple to use, multi function, press brown rice or white rice and forget about it. Can bake a cake or use as a crockpot. Also can delay time so it starts cooking while I am driving hime from work. The small versions are pitiful, messy, spray everywhere, and burn food. Next time you update your rice cooker I heartily endorse this. Best Selling one on Amazon is $37 new with 4.4 stars. Your price may be a little high.
Yeah-- I have one that you'd like.
It's $32 on Amazon. It's a rice cooker, but it comes with a steaming attachment to put veggies in while you cook rice. I've done it 3 times-- steamed veggies at the same time as making rice. But I mainly just use the Slow Cook setting and make recipes I find on this subreddit. It's fucking incredible and I don't know how I would cook without it. Pros: everything is fucking delicious and perfectly cooked, white rice especially. Has a steaming attachment. Has a measuring cup and lines on the inside of the bowl. Bowl material is quite durable. Locking mechanism. Excellently designed. Has a keep warm setting for 12 hours. Digital display is super helpful.
Cons: The slow cook setting is High and you can't set it to low. Life is fleeting and we're all gonna die someday.
I am no longer a poor college student, but when I was I also bought an aroma rice cooker that's like 4qt for ~$30 I still have it 8 years later and it works great, it also has a slow cooker option, I literally make rice in it multiple times a week.
Edit: Link for the lazy(updated version of what I have)
My rice cooker has multiple buttons. Has buttons for white rice, brown rice, if you're just steaming vegetables. I believe this is the one I have
You can cross bullet 3 off your list. I have this rice cooker and not only does it make great rice, but it's also a slow cooker.
Aroma Housewares 20 Cup Cooked (10 cup uncooked) Digital Rice Cooker, Slow Cooker, Food Steamer, SS Exterior (ARC-150SB),Black
The one i have is this Aroma Housewares 20 Cup Cooked (10 cup uncooked) Digital Rice Cooker, Slow Cooker, Food Steamer, SS Exterior (ARC-150SB),Black I bought it nearly 4 years ago and its still kicking. I only ever use it to steam or make rice. Expensive doesnt mean better. You can make as little as 2 cups of uncooked rice at a time which is plenty for 2 people or to have fried rice the next day with leftovers.
I bought this one off amazon 4 years ago now and i've never once had an issue with burning. So if you want an upgrade, this is a good, cheap one!
The down side, minimum 2 cups of rice. But I usually make 2-3 cups and just have rice in the fridge to reheat anyway. (Plus, eating cold rice - even reheated - has more resistant starch in it, so it saves a few calories!)
I've found some that just have 'cook' and 'warm' as options, but I think I'm leaning towards [this one](9\_1\_3?crid=1N8EJTMF9FQ0&keywords=Aroma+brand+rice+cooker&qid=1642797644&sprefix=aroma+brand+rice+cooker%2Caps%2C524&sr=8-3) because of the different settings.
You need a cooker like this :
If you have a rice cooker where you "just set the lid on like you would a pot on the stove" You got a MESS!!! You need a closable lid like the one I posted the link of. but i have been usimg aroma rice cookers for 15 years easy and I buy them for all my friends, Its more soendy at 40-60 dollars but its worth it for convience. Plus you can delay start time (hello hot rice when you get home), comes with a steaming tray and can even be used as a slow cooker
I have a rice cooker with a steaming basket on top (worth the $40 investment). I put rice and veggies in it (normally onion, broccoli, peppers, whatever).
I go to the asian grocery store and buy these jars of different curry pastes for like $4-5 (and will make probably 8 batches of sauce). I get low fat yogurt and a little sour cream and make a sauce.
In about 20 mins with virtually no prep or cooking necessary, I have rice, veggies, and I cut these sausages in for meat (or whatever meat I have, maybe an egg too). I mix the sauce in and have a really great, cheap (and relatively healthy) meal without much cooking required too!
edit: a few words
This is something that I came up with a while ago that my roommate could make easily (he's not exactly culinary school material). It's ridiculous easy. Very tasty. VERY flexible (swap out proteins, seasonings, add veggies, you can do whatever you want to it). Should work in a crock pot if needed, definitely works in one of these combo rice cooker/slow cooker things.
Fajita Rice
3 cups of rice
Water for 3 cups of rice
1 can of diced tomatoes (don't drain)
1 tablespoon onion powder
2 teaspoons crystallized garlic
1 lb ground beef uncooked
2 tablespoons fajita or taco seasoning
2 teaspoons jalapeno salt
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon chicken broth concentrate (or 1 big bullion cube (4 normal sized))
1 tablespoon beef broth concentrate (or 1 big bullion cube (4 normal sized))
about 1 lb of chicken (either a breast or thigh works) (thawed) cut up into 1 inch pieces
No butter or oil, the fat in the beef will be our fat
Mix all of this in rice cooker (break up the beef as much as possible), and push the rice button.
Things I do stovetop:
Stir fry Steak (with a cast iron) Jambalaya Pasta
I would really suggest getting a combo rice cooker/slow cooker like this one. I would imagine you can find something like this in Japan but there's always the internet. Slow cooker meals are great for one pot stuff. Really low effort cooking and provides a huge array of options. Really all you have to do is chop up your ingredients, throw them together and leave it for a while.
Get a rice cooker. You can use them for so much more than just rice!
Aroma 20-Cup (Cooked) (10-Cup UNCOOKED) Digital Rice Cooker and Food Steamer, Stainless Steel Exterior (ARC-150SB)
If you're on a budget I've been using this one for a while now. Kind of small compared to some of the other one's I've seen but the versatility is great. Does a good job at making rice and the programmable features make it super convenient. One of the major downfalls I've noticed, though, is that there is no high/low setting, it just "slow cook"s.
That is wierd.. when I click on it.. it goes to the rice cooker on the wishlist Here is the one I was looking at.. if you still are willing PM me and ill work out the shipping address.
wtf? She needs to chill the fuck out.
If a white person asked me, or my SIL (who is also Asian) would we just laugh at the question and point to this Amazon link (
It works. Source: I own one.
Aroma Housewares 20 Cup Cooked (10 cup uncooked) Digital Rice Cooker, Slow Cooker, Food Steamer, SS Exterior (ARC-150SB),Black
Aroma is best by far.
I would highly recommend an Aroma rice/slow cooker. They are awesome!
same I got and my rice is perfect. I don't see the point in an expensive one..
(I actually recommend you don't get the cooker pictured in that article. He says to get the simplest rice cooker, but you'll really be better off getting one of these, which actually ends up being cheaper, even though it's a higher quality product and prettier.)
I bought this and it's great
Cheap, doubles as a vegetable steamer and crock pot. Totally worth the money for me.
Aroma rice cooker like this one. You fill it with the appropriate amount of rice and water, and it cooks it automatically. You can leave it in there for hours if you forget about it. Get an air fryer, and you can cook your chicken and broccoli in it by the time the rice is finished.
We've had this model for about 4 years now and it's been really terrific.
The liner is metal instead of ceramic but it seems to do just as good of a job at slow cooking our food. It cleans up really easily and cooks both brown and white rice.