What are your network speeds? Last I checked, Arris Surfboard's were the recommendations for homelabs. Amazon Link - It really a matter of picking the right one for your current speeds.
Check how many open connections your modem and router allow. They all have a limit. For example that is an 8x4 which means it has 8 downloads and 4 uploads.
$66.76 new, that’s a good price actually. Probably no difference functionally than the Technicolors.
Before the Technicolor I’m using now I used a Surfboard. They’re both very reliable.
Or you could have just purchased your own router and/or modem and not use the ones Comcast rents to you. I bought this guy for $60 and normally I get within a few Mbps of what I pay for. (100/100 for $70/month.)
This works if they don't have optimum voice (TV/internet only) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00YUU5628/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_r-GfAbN74KZEN
If they have optimum voice, this is the exact model optimum rents you, the Arris TM822, and used they got for about $40, new $140.
You can easily shave $5 off your monthly bill from spectrum by buying your own modem. Most people don't realize it but they are renting the modem from their ISP. If you use the service for more than a year, you could have just bought your own modem because they cost less than $100 to buy. You can pick up something like this modem. I paid even less because i bought mine used off of craigslist.
Cool, just need the modem, router and access point functionality. Best value is usually modem separate with a combo router/access point. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/ARRIS-SURFboard-SB6141-Certified-Cablevision/dp/B00YUU5628/ for modem is fine, for router/access point depends how much area you need to cover for the WiFi and how fast. Multiple access points can be useful if covering a large area.
Well about the routers, there's an edgerouter x which has a four ports, one of which is WAN, so a netgear GS308 8 port switch is used after it. The third piece is a patch panel I had, sorry I didn't use a proper icon and I know that stuff usually isn't on diagrams but I wanted to remember where those 1 ft paches were supposed to go. That panel is where the cables enter the wall. I'm not sure what you mean by expensive switch but it's the cheapest 8 port I could find that's well reviewed, it's $32 (not that I would mind if there's something cheaper and good, but I think there isn't). About the modem I really wanted something reliable and from what I've read that essentially means I need a surfboard. I picked it out like a month ago and the next step up was like $90, a hard sell to my parents in the interest of future proofing. But now I saw https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00YUU5628 which is $50 and 343 mbps so 8 guess that might be a better buy.
Would you be able to recommend a decent Modem to go with it? I'm going to bite on this offer but it'd be useless without a modem to go with it.
I was thinking about getting this one as my modem.
I'm pretty sure I'm using the slower version of this:
The slower one is more expensive on Amazon for some reason. I ended up just buying mine at WalMart for around $60ish though.
EDIT: The White model is $10 cheaper.
EDIT 2: I noticed you said 'router 'whereas I was continuing the chain of discussion regarding modems. Disregard the above if you actually meant router; I linked a modem that would replace your fee-based Comcast modem (There are modem/router combo options that you can choose from at that link though).
What ISP do you use?, I ask as I am not sure if they use a universal modem, they should have a list of compatible modems on there website. I use Comcast and I use the ARRIS SURFboard SB6141, Looks like you have the option of 5 different built in routers, it is mainly going to come down to how many Ethernet ports you need it seems, 2 have 4 and 2 have 2 1 unclear (not a back image), After that once you get the device get them on the phone and say you wish to activate a modem they'll have you unplug your old one, plug in your new one and they'll send you the signal, I was able to do this through chat as well.
Modems I have no experiance other than troubleshooting. I have fiber so I don't need one. But the hype seems to be around surf board modems, which also can come bundled with a decent router. For routers since I work with them all day long. I suggest getting an AC2350 or higher. Ac being the newest protocol and the number is the throughput a router can do on both bands the 2.4 and 5.0. Once you get higher than that you're hitting Tri band router which is just an extra 5.0 band. I personally suggest getting a net gear nighthawk. I love how simple yet immersive with features it is.
Modem/router combo.
I have an Arris docsis 3.0 with 300mbps down with 20 up. I am currently running another pfsense box on the modem so I figured it already is?
This is my modem and I haven't had any issues in six years with it.
For my router I followed these instructions after putting a gigabit ethernet card in an old computer I had laying around. It also doubles as a backup, VPN, and file, and media server.
Then I set up a couple of these guys and a PoE switch to power them.
Know what speeds you're getting from your ISP and make sure the modem you want to buy supports or exceeds that speed. Usually getting a separate router and modem is the way to go, but if you want a single device, you'll be looking for a gateway. You'll get better wifi and save money getting your own devices.
You can also drop the land line and get an internet phone adapter which you can plug into your router and make calls for free over the internet. Only downside is that you'll need to pay something like 12 per year to upgrade your line if you want to be able to call 911.
Xfinity - this is the speed test on my laptop in my bedroom
iPhone 5 - fully updated
Hearthstone - fully updated
I don't know what other info I can provide.
Anything docsis 3
This is what I use
> I just want assurance that I won't ruin everything and thoughts on how it should be set up.
I can't speak for everyone here, but in my experience if you don't take the internet out to an office, store or home at least once in your (amateur) career, you're not doing it right. You'll always be able to fix what you break and people are too dependent and unable to deal with the inconvenience of an internet outage. They need to take a step back get the fuck over themselves. Some places I leave the internet out for much longer than I have to, just so people can learn to deal with it. Things break and people quickly forget that when you do a good job and there's a long time between outages. I get they're inconvenient, but they need to remember nothing lasts forever. If you're still scared, you can pickup another router to experiment while leaving the original working one there you can simply plug back in to get the service back up again should you get stuck. Work smart, not hard =)
Comcast assigns IP addresses through DHCP, which means, you should just be able to put a defaulted router in and still have internet. You'll have to configure your WiFi, but anything wired should work immediately after plugging the cables in.
First thing I would do is take that piece of shit comcast gave you, return it and purchase this. You're accomplishing 2 things with this, you NEVER want to use the router from the ISP and you'll save the monthly modem rental fee. Surfboards rarely die and you'll pay for it less than a year.
Then I would use the WNDR3700 as the router for the building. This will be the device connected to the modem. The other router, you should strategically place elsewhere in the building and utilize it ONLY as an access point to provide additional coverage and capacity. In all honestly, without knowing the size or layout of the building, I'm almost certain you will need additional access points. 1 router/access point is not sufficient for a 10 unit apartment building.
Start unplugging shit! You'll never learn if you're too scared to even start! You have the determination and want to learn, that's 9/10s of the battle right there. Just post back here if you have questions.