I keep a can of compressed argon gas to keep my milk and cream from spoiling. It’s sold for preserving opened wine, but it also works for other stuff, and lasts a long time. It’s heavier than air, so it forms a protective layer over the liquid surface.
Depends on oxidization. Keep it in an airtight container and a freezer it'll last years. Less if it's open. It'll still give a high, but it'll be less potent as years pass. You could use Argon Gas spray to replace oxygen in a container (used same way for wine spoilage).
All this talk of desiccant pouches and moisture. But no talk of just purging the enclosure of moisture laden air to begin with.
I introduce to you the heavier than air gas, Argon. Flow Argon into the enclosure to displace the air. Can get it on Amazon for $15 a can.
ArT Wine Preserver | Premium Wine Preservation | Argon Gas | Wine Saver Spray | Eliminate Oxidation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_XFNTSYE25VXR663930HF
Replacing the air in the container with argon.
It is sold as wine preserver. Got mine on Amazon:
ArT Wine Preserver | Premium Wine Preservation | Argon Gas | Wine Saver Spray | Eliminate Oxidation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_W24EH1DG7GAC0NCJW90J
You can transfer the bigger bottles into smaller bottles and use an aerosol can that removes the oxygen from the bottle. That way you can keep the smaller bottles for a very long time and not have them oxidize and lose flavor.
ArT Wine Preserver | Premium Wine Preservation | Argon Gas | Wine Saver Spray | Eliminate Oxidation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RCS6EAXBRXM7X4JNWWVY
Instead of a coravin, buy a bottle of food safe Argon and squirt it into the bottle after you pour your glass. It’s good for a glass or two (or a week or so) and then you should just finish it. It’s way cheaper and works surprisingly well.
I personally wouldn't trust that brand of preserver. It uses a mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and argon, basically simulating their normal ratios in atmospheric air (~78% nitrogen, ~1% argon, ~400 ppm carbon dioxide, [~21% oxygen]), only with the oxygen removed. That sounds all great and scientific, but in reality that mixture is too similar to the density of normal air to effectively displace the oxygen-containing air in the bottles. For truly effective preservation, and to really get all that oxygen out, you need a gas that's a good bit more dense than air, and that's why pure argon is the choice of wine professionals and connoisseurs. I can also testify as a former organic chemist that when I'd want to perform a reaction under oxygen-free or anaerobic conditions, I'd use pure argon to degas the oxygen from solvents and top off the reaction vessel. It's a good bit heavier (more dense) than air, so it settles right on top of the liquid and displaces all that pesky oxygen.
(TL;DR) Try this instead: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_hewfFb1SZB08Q
Not so cheap as last year however; the price of argon must've gone up.
This is the one I've been using.
Yeah, get some new batteries, good batteries, none of those crap ones on Amazon. Sony VTC6, Samsung 30Q or LG HG2 for 18650 & Samsung 40T or Molicel P42A for 21700. Molicel & Sanyo make good 20700 batteries too.
A good mech will outlive you, if you take care of it, but if you decide to get one, read up on ohms law & battery safety. You are an MTL vaper, so the CDR of the battery means less to you, so you could go higher capacity batteries (like the ones I mentioned).
RTAs have glass tanks, which of course can break, so maybe order extra glass or go the RDA route, the Vapefly Galaxies RDA is a fantastic MTL & dirt cheap. Also you could get the Berserker RDA. But, of course, RDAs mean you will be dripping or squonking. The Recurve squonk, is a great squonker, but it's also a mech, so if you get one, you just future-proofed yourself, at least on the hardware side.
For juice don't worry about anything other than the nicotine. To see how much you will need for the both of you, for your lifetime use this calculator. The amber bottles are good, would recommend polycone caps for those bottles, so the bottles seal correctly. I also used an argon wine preserver to prevent oxidation.
Ummm, can't think of anything else, so good luck with the vapocalypse.
What Like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_6JNKQYATGV9BG4NES7XP?
Would putting the bottle in a food saver bag work? Or is it the oxygen between the cap and the liquid I should be worried about?
I have used a wine preserver from Amazon that's pure Argon. It's pretty cheap. Never used Nitrogen though there isn't a reason why it wouldn't work...https://www.amazon.com/ArT-Preserver-Argon-Preservation-System/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1533752936&sr=8-3&keywords=art+wine+preserver
I’m using ArT, I like it.
Whatever you do, don't go back to smoking. Handing Big Tobacco your hard earned dollars & in return you get health difficulties, bad trade-off IMO.
"Vapocalypse" has been going on for...2-3 years or so?? So you are a bit late to the party, but I don't think you are too late. I'm not worried about Vapocalypse, I planned for it, well 2-3 years ago & this is what I did, hopefully it will help you.
You gotta have vape equipment to vape (duh), (you can build your own mods which is hella cool & that future-proofs you more than anything I can tell you), but start buying mech mods/atomizers off of r/ecigclassifieds, you save some money & as you know, a high quality mech mod & RDA combo can last years if not your whole vaping life.
Buy that nicotine NOW!!!!, right now, it's expensive but the price just gets higher & higher and who knows, maybe tomorrow you can't buy it anymore. But how much to buy? Use this - Vapocalypse Calculator I bought enough nic to last me 25 years, but buying it was only half the problem, how to store it was the other half. I bought 4oz amber bottles w/ polycone caps & I used Argon Wine Preserver to seal the bottles (to prevent oxidation). Sure half of my freezer is nicotine bottles in boxes & maybe I'm a bit paranoid that my nicotine is going to go bad, but I figure better safe than sorry.
The only other thing that might go away completely is exotic wire, but if you can make parallel box mods I'm sure you can wrap your own alien wire. Lots of stuff on YT to help you roll your own wire too, just google- n. devine 83 & Sherlock Hohms, check their YT pages. Exotic wire builders are on Reddit too (one even responded here, hiya u/St1llFrank !!!) ;)
Can't think of anything else, PG/VG, flavorings, batteries will all still be available even if Vapocalypse goes into effect 100%. Just don't smoke!!
If you’re like me then your UncleBen’s hobby has resulted in more mush than you could eat in a lifetime. So how to store this joyous bounty? In a cool, dark place of course, but this will only get you a couple months, maybe a year, before potency noticeably declines. Oxidation is probably the main reason for the decay in potency (I’m not a chemist, but that’s my understanding), so I suggest eliminating the oxygen. Here’s my Tek.
ArT Wine Preserver | Premium Wine Preservation | Argon Gas | Wine Saver Spray | Eliminate Oxidation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_1K7P3YWQ8YBK6EY3TEP9
ZWILLING Fresh & Save Vacuum Sealer Machine Starter Set, Glass 6-piece BPA Free, Meal Prep, Sous Vide https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DHKPBHS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_EEXZH64X2FXXFGE6BTQZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Dry & Dry 5 Gram [50 Packets] Premium Silica Gel Silica Gel Packets Desiccants Silica Gel Packs - Rechargeable Moisture Absorbers, Desiccant Packets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DYKTS9C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_NP0CJB5AYK4KPFSSTG6Z
I vacuum seal mine in argon gas with a few desiccant packs.
Replacing the O2 with Argon, a noble gas, prevents oxidation. Pure N2 would work as well but is very expensive. Avoiding moisture is a no brainer
ArT Wine Preserver | Premium Wine Preservation | Argon Gas | Wine Saver Spray | Eliminate Oxidation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_1K7P3YWQ8YBK6EY3TEP9
ZWILLING Fresh & Save Vacuum Sealer Machine Starter Set, Glass 6-piece BPA Free, Meal Prep, Sous Vide https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DHKPBHS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_EEXZH64X2FXXFGE6BTQZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Dry & Dry 5 Gram [50 Packets] Premium Silica Gel Silica Gel Packets Desiccants Silica Gel Packs - Rechargeable Moisture Absorbers, Desiccant Packets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DYKTS9C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_NP0CJB5AYK4KPFSSTG6Z
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
ArT Wine Preserver - Premium Wine Preservation -… | $15.98 | $15.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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And a can of this doesn't hurt - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MEHJCQ2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Polycone Caps are what you’re looking for. Or buy the bottles with the caps. If you want to get crazy, get a can of Argon gas
This - ArT Wine Preserver wine saver
Thanks! So far we are one of the top rated bar tools on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ArT-Wine-Preservation-Enjoy-Your/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/
> First, I go to the local vinegar and oil store and buy a bunch of amber 8oz screw top glass bottles like these. Then, I'll get my 750ml bottle of Carpano or Amontillado and pour it into 3 8oz bottles. I'll then use something like this to seal all 3. You just spray into the bottle for a second or two, the argon is heavier than O2 so it blows all of the O2 out. You then just seal tightly, label (I use a label printer) and refrigerate. Since they're smaller bottles they become a lot easier to store in the fridge. I don't use the argon every time I open the bottle because I'm only oxidizing a third of the whole and I can usually go through that in the 6-9mo it lasts. If it goes bad, I dump a few oz and crack open a fresh new 8oz bottle, the waste is minimal. > > I wish I could claim this as my own invention but I got it from Craft Cocktails at Home which is full of great info like this.
Just spray ~1.5 seconds of inert gas in the bottle and put the cork back in it. Your wine will last at least a week in good condition. There are many styles; argon gas is popular.
Here's one for $16: https://www.amazon.com/ArT-Wine-Preserver-Enjoy-Your/dp/B01MEHJCQ2/