I managed a puff!
Recipe from this book.
100g starter (fed and bubbly) 180g warm water 7g honey 15g olive oil 150g AP Flour 120g Whole Wheat Flour 3g salt
Mix dough, rest 30 min, work into a smooth ball.
Bulk rise for 6-8 hours.
Shape into 8 balls, and rest for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 450° with a baking stone on the bottom shelf.
Roll to 1/4" thick. Bake 3-4 mins. Look at that puff.
Is this the book where the recipe comes from? https://www.amazon.com/Artisan-Sourdough-Made-Simple-Handcrafted/dp/1624144292
8-10 hours may not be accurate anyway. There's a saying in sourdough to watch the dough not the clock. So look for things like the volume increase of the dough.
I used the"Sunday Morning Bagels" recipe from this book. It's a great introduction to sourdough and has many fantastic recipes. The English muffin recipe is also delicious - you won't want store bought after baking then yourself.
Ignore what people are saying it’s my fault it has holes like that rather than an open crumb but the recipe is great it’s from a book called artisan sourdough made simple highly recommend. Artisan Sourdough Made Simple https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1624144292?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It’s from Artisan Sourdough Made Simple https://www.amazon.com/Artisan-Sourdough-Made-Simple-Handcrafted/dp/1624144292/ref=nodl_
I’ve had a lot of great luck using recipes from this book
Cooked in an enamel roaster. Used a combination of fig jam and lime cordial and Artisan Sourdough made simple methods. In short, 50g starter, 375ml water, 500g flour and 9g salt. Mixed, rested for 1 hour. Light knead then proved for 10 hours. Shaped and put in banneton for 2 hours before cooking.