You should be pumping every 2-3 hours at work just as if you were feeding bubs at home. So for example, if he breastfeeds at 8am, 11am, and 2pm you would need to pump at those times at work. A full pumping session is typically 15-20 min per side. The issue you're going to run into is that your boobs will think that you don't need the milk during those times and you will stop producing.
As for people being judge-y, fuck em. Seriously. If it was me I would be waving the milk bag in greeting everytime they stared at me like that. How obnoxious. Investing in a mini fridge for your office or cubicle (maybe something like this ) would allow you to avoid walking milk bags back and forth.
You've got this!
This is the mini fridge 45 bucks. I saw the picture of one guy who used a wine refrigerator that had built-in lights and a glass front it was pretty sweet but a whole lot more than $45 also this little refrigerator can warm something up too so it can be used like an incubator too.
Got you my friend AstroAI Mini Fridge, 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer Refrigerators for Gifts, Skincare, Beverage, Food, Cosmetics, Home, Dorm, Office and Car, ETL Listed (White)
I use this so I can plug it in at work and in the car ride home since it came with both types of plugs.
AstroAI Mini Fridge, 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer Refrigerators for Christmas Gifts, Skincare, Beverage, Food, Cosmetics, Home, Dorm, Office and Car, ETL Listed (White)
Not wacky at all!! I did the same thing and I honestly love it. I also have taken the mini fridge with me when we’ve traveled (by car) to use at places we stay (family’s houses, etc.) so I don’t have to use other people’s fridges. This is the one I got: Deal of the day: AstroAI Mini Fridge, 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer Refrigerators for Skincare, Beverage,Foods, Medications, Home and Travel, ETL Listed (White)
I bought a small fridge when i was breastfeeding and pumping. Like this one Limited-time deal: AstroAI Mini Fridge 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer for Skincare, Foods, Medications, Home and Travel, White
You can buy a small fridge (they typically are sized to hold 6 soda cans) that will plug into your car's cigarette lighter (or whatever that thing is called now that they don't actually have lighters anymore).
I have this one though I just use it for facial products in my bathroom and have never tried traveling with it.
How mini are we talking? Some of those 12V mini fridges are just Peltier plates and a little insulated box. Like this:
This design would only use around 50 watts, and lots of them come with DC adapters to power directly off 12V.
I was thinking something like this, not like a full size fridge. I figure not having kids cuts down on my carbon footprint enough for small concessions like the electricity it takes to run something that size. Not that there's any real ethical consumption of beauty products if you want to get that nit picky about it. Lol!
How much space does your insulin require and how cold does it need to be? For around $50, you can buy a desktop refrigerator that's enough to cool a 6-pack down to 35F. Assuming your gf's family will let you plug in an appliance and use their electricity, something like this might be an option.
I realize you won't be able to order from Amazon in time but you might be able to find something similar locally or perhaps Staples or Best Buy can ship it to you faster.
Like others said keep them in the fridge, or you could grab a mini fridge if you have the room
It does look awesome lol , here's the link
Not handheld, but compact if you have a power source. mini fridge
I just received this mini fridge as a gift and am very impressed so far! It’s only been a week so I can’t speak to the longevity of it, but so far it’s very cold. My boyfriend, who knows science and things, said it was well built and safe.
The Dieux Forever Eye Masks are also on my wishlist! I’ve seen lots of people talk about how they like them. They help hold product in so it absorbs well.
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AstroAI Mini Fridge, 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
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I use a little 6 can mini fridge. Works great. This is decent and comes with a car adapter.
I had PRK done three times. I posted this for someone who's about to go through PRK, but I'm sure the majority of this also applies to Lasik
Before the surgery
Ask what kind of sleep guard they give you and if it is the kind that you tape on your face, buy extra skin tape, or ask for more from the doctor. They give you like tiny amount.
Buy a small fridge to keep your eye drops in. It helps a LOT with discomfort during the first 5 days or so if the eye drops are cold.
Buy a lot of preservative free eye drops like Refresh Plus. I was given an eye drop with preservative from the doctor and I was mad a week later when I found out I was supposed to use PF drops. Refresh Plus is the most watery eye drop I found that is soothing for me so I'm recommending it but you may find other eye drops better. Systane Ultra is too gooey for me.
Buy a lint free tissue like this one. You do not want dust or lint getting trapped under your bandage lens. It will be painful.
Buy this to avoid water getting into your eyes while showering after the bandage contacts are out.
Buy an eye rinse like this to wash your eyes if soap gets in your eyes.
Buy an UV blocking goggle like this to wear around the house after you start seeing a bit more clearly.
Get a curtain in your bedroom if you don't have one, and block out all light. You don't want sunlight getting in your eyes.
Get some Advil PM or Tylenol PM to help you fall asleep.
During the surgery
The machine may make a loud buzzing noise when the laser is firing. They don't tell you this but it made me jump which isn't good. To avoid this, breathe deeply in and out and focus on your breathing. When the surgeon scrapes off your epithelium cell layer, your vision may be blurry and the light you are supposed to look at might look spread out. Just look in the center of that blob and keep your eyes still.
After the surgery
The first 5 days or so until you get your bandage contacts out are crucial. This is when your epithelium cells grow back. Never rub your eyes and wear the sleep guard that your doctor gives you.
On the 2nd or the 3rd day, you may experience excruciating pain or burning sensation in your eyes and the painkillers that your doctor gave you might not do anything. All of us have gone through it. Just keep pouring the PF eye drops into your eyes and try to sleep.
Never rub your eyes and always wear goggles. During the day, UV blocking sunglasses or safety goggles. Before going to bed, the sleep guards.
Expect the healing to go for a long time. You may see glare, starburst, halo, ghosting (double image), etc. The healing process will test your patience.
Always wear UV blocking sunglasses when going outside. I'm not a doctor but I've seen a video where a doctor was explaining how haze developed on a patient 2 years post-op after the patient went to a beach for a vacation. Make sure it is a UV blocking sunglasses and not just dark sunglasses. Dark sunglasses without UV blocking apparently makes it worse because your eyes are dilated and more UV rays go in. (Don't quote me on that because I'm not a doctor)
AstroAI Mini Fridge 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer for Skincare, Foods, Medications, Home and Travel, White
I bought this one! $45 was well worth it for me. I use Avent bottles so only 4 fit but she's down to 2-3 bottles a night.
You can buy a mini, mini-fridge for less than $100 on Amazon and keep it at your desk. It might be less stress in your life.
Here's one of many.
I went ahead and ordered this with as i had an amazon gift card: