I have a nice shot of Orion Nebula I took with a Celestron AVX (that came w/ a 6" Newtonian scope), Canon T3i, Orion Starshoot, and software called EOSBackyard (to control the main camera) and phd2 (to control the tracking camera).
The tracking camera locks onto a star and if that star moves so much as 1 pixel, it tells the telescope to adjust to keep everything where it should be for long exposures.
A T-Ring is usually the only adapter you need. Celestron scopes will often screw straight onto the camera, or they make adapters like this where you put the camera in just like it were an eyepiece: https://www.amazon.com/Astromania-Camera-Adapter-Telescope-Astrophotography/dp/B01JBZOYDI/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=2KU1ZM17QMNZJ&keywords=astrophotography+adapter&qid=1670537223&sprefix=astrophotography+adapt%2Caps%2C237&sr=8-8