I just started using a home laser device.
I have only just started using it on my shaft but I already see a difference. I plan on moving to the under region in a couple of weeks. It says it works better with a lighter skin / darker hair folicle combo.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I made that above "blurb" months ago and still believe in it. I still have and grow hair...
Now I'm almost 5 months on HRT and definitely the IPL and HRT mean less body hair is happening. But the face 👀 ugh. I do IPL and plucking with tweezers. Sadly, there's a lot of gray in my beard area. The IPL doesn't touch it.
I probably pluck 30 minutes in the morning and up to an hour before going to bed. I was hoping it would help my whiskers grow back less. If it is lessening, the progress is far slower than my arms and legs for sure. I'll be paying for electrolysis soon enough...
It's basically laser hair removal at home. I needed a lot of treatments and the professional service was $50 a pop for q tiny area, now I can treat as much as I want, whenever I want. They don't sell the device model I use anymore but it's something like this https://www.amazon.com/At-Home-Removal-Permanent-removal-Painless/dp/B0828JD1WF. I can vouch for the Silkn brand working on me, but their cheapest model is up to $300 (I bought the older model for $150) so maybe tbe other one is a better choice now. It works best on fairer skin and dark hair, like regular laser hair removal. I learned about it from a trans sub. My leg hair is now so thin and clear that I only shave if I want the smooth feeling of having no hair at all. You have to shave before using it, so I haven't done much in my pubic area because I hate shaving there but I should just get it over with. You only have to do it every two weeks. It took 2-3 months on my legs to get great results, but since pubic hair is thicker it might take longer.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I'm pretty sure it works. Obviously nothing is fast enough! But when plucking my face, sometimes hair just falls out. Big scary guitar string looking mo-fos, too. Sometimes, the zaps really really suck and other times I can smell burnt hair.
On auto mode, it zaps every 3 seconds. It's counter goes down from 500,000. I've used 10,000 zaps and use it everywhere below my eyes. Every week, I try to spend a couple hours over two days zapping everything I can. When we did a road trip, I took an inverter and a blanket and zapped in the passenger seat.
It's strong enough to hurt in some places. I shave and then will zap the area then and for a couple days. It's sharp enough to be kinda scary around my mouth.
Edit to add: seems like the face will take forever to make a difference.
I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
And it definitely reduces the not-gray hair regrowth. I would go as far as to say it probably could completely eliminate hair if used a lot.
I press it into my skin so that it's kind of stretching my skin and pointing up the hair. It can really suck in some spots, too! I've used it everywhere below my eyes.
On my face, the dark hair comes back thinner. Less hair is coming back on my arms and legs. I don't know how it compares to professional laser. I shave and then try to zap everywhere over the two days after a shave. The device I bought has a counter that goes down with each zap. It started at 500,000 and I've done about 5000 zaps with it this far.
I think the last time I looked into this I decided to get a laser device, this one specifically link. Mainly because electrolysis is painful and at home solutions don't seem super common.
I had some electrolysis done and I was very surprised at how slow it was, I had 10 or so sessions done and it barely made a dent in my armpit hair, and considering the cost I was pretty disappointed. This thing I'm already noticing effects after a week or so. Ofc this is just my experience, could be different for other people
A friend and I went halfsies on a laser hair remover from Amazon. I honestly had low expectations, but I've started to see progress and I'm very happy with the purchase. For reference, I have coaese, black chin and neck hair. This has dramatically lessened my hair growth to just a couple of spots.
I'm super satisfied!
At-Home IPL Hair Removal for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got this one. It's small, so it takes longer. But you only have to do treatments for 8 weeks and then once every couple of months after that.
XSOUL At-Home IPL Hair Removal for Women and Men Permanent Hair Removal 500,000 Flashes Painless Hair Remover on Armpits Back Legs Arms Face Bikini Line, Corded
I got this one. It was about $76 when I got it. I combed through a lot of the reviews and most simply reported that it either worked or didn't work. I figure if this doesn't work at all for someone, a more expensive one won't change that - unless, of course, the more expensive one is designed to target lighter hair, which the cheap ones can't.
Limited-time deal: At-Home IPL Hair Removal for Women Permanent hair removal 500,000 Flashes Painless Hair Remover on Armpits Back Legs Arms Face Bikini line https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_10K9FH1REF0JZBC2BJEN
You’re welcome. It’s actually on sale now too.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I'm now 4 months into HRT and agree it helps reduce growth. I really should use the IPL again now... 😊
Also, i strongly believe in "bump patrol" original. Use it just after the shower and before and after bedtime. I also use their shaving lotion
What about something like this? Hair removal thingy on amazon
I use the XSoul. The packaging came with mistranslated English but it works perfectly!
Also, my doctor just upped me to 2 mg estradiol but I've been on a constant 100 mg spironolactone.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I'm sure it isn't as effective as laser in a salon but it definitely kills the black wires growing out of my face. I plan to IPL and tweeze until only the gray whiskers remain and then go get electrolysis.
Very pretty 😗
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
Like I haven't shaved in weeks and definitely less than 1/10 of the hair on my legs and arms has come back. I wasn't quite wooly beast or human hair sweater, but lots of hair.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
After using it for a few months, I can say it really works. Fewer and fewer hairs come back. Not as epic on the face, so I'm plucking the wiry barbs and hoping they'll come back thinner and maybe IPL will work better on the whiskers.
Recently going through these myself. From searching the internet, here is everything I've picked up so far:
Search trans voice lessons on youtube. She's got more knowledge on there than imaginable. Then search for other mtf voice feminization videos. And go back and forth. Work on changing the voice in your head to match a voice you want.
Make a playlist of songs with female vocals... Try to mimic the low, sultry voices. Don't ever go falsetto... Keep practicing their low sounds ... Pick a song that represents the sound for your internal dialogue.
Makeup: search trans makeup tutorial videos. Lay down red or orange lipstick or shadow where the shadow is. Then foundation. I've got mad stubble so if you think my pics are great, trust me on the advice in this paragraph 🤪😆
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF I'm pretty sure it works but takes forever. Like I do it once a week and expect it to be months for real epic change. I am noticing a real change on my thighs.
Keep scouring youtube for mtf voice feminization. And definitely put the girl from trans voice lessons in a pattern to repeat her videos every week or so. I actually started understanding concepts between a couple of her vids. It takes lots of repetition and it does get fatiguing.
For hair, I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I hate the shadow on my face where dark hairs grow, so I youtube mtf make-up tips, tutorial, beginners. Red or orange over these areas helps hide the shadow.
You could try sugaring... Exfoliate really well and with sugar you snatch only a little bit at a time. It sucks epic. I wanted to but chickened out.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF I do use it on my face and everywhere and it can really suck, so it's definitely doing something. I have noticed tweezing dark hair that sometimes they just fall out. Hopefully those won't come back?
Sugaring is pretty amazing compared to waxing and it can go all over the tender bits. Wax? Oh hell naw - left me bleeding above my junk and broke too many hairs.
I use electric trimmer to knock down the forest and then shave. I also use a laser IPL thing from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I believe it is helping less hair coming back and it's coming back thinner.
If you can find someone, sugaring works great. It sucks but isn't nearly as horrible as waxing.
I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I think it is working. There are less dark hairs returning where I use it. And it can really get sucky: definitely makes the rubber band snap feeling on my face around my mouth. And also tender areas elsewhere...
I bought this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I believe it works. I also believe it works on my face. My whiskers are like stiff wire brush and less black ones are happening.
This device is strong enough that it can really suck. Zapping around my lips can make me yelp and flinch. And you totally smell burning hair. It has a counter (goes down) that starts at 500k. I'm about 6000 zaps in and have done most of my body at least 4 times.
I believe it is possible for this to accomplish the desired effect if I can keep using it.
I have terrible discipline overall, but I really suck at appointments. Add in covid and I don't see myself paying for laser hair removal at an office, so I won't be able to compare.
I shave mine 🤷 now that I'm on HRT, they come back less. Also I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I made a post about it but no one seems to have read it.
Edit to add link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/kmvyj0/example_of_at_home_ipl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
It works, just takes a while. Like most things worth having, there is no such thing as instant results.
It's this one. I was honestly surprised at how well it works. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is the one that I use: https://www.amazon.com/At-Home-Removal-Permanent-removal-Painless/dp/B0828JD1WF
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I made a review here somewhere but it got marked as spam. Maybe it's 8n the "posts" of my vanilla profile?
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
Plus I've been tweezing like a maniac ... Haven't had to shave but once a week.
When I first started hating my body hair, I used nair a number of times. This was probably 2003, 2004? The last time I remember using it was 2006. I stopped using it because I clogged the drain in the bathtub and it was like midnight before I was flying to have a 4 day play date with someone.
Ugh! That was so stressful I kinda forgot about nair ever since! 😆🤣
Yeah, it's chemicals. Try a spot some place where you won't die if your skin acts like a bad sunburn. Read the directions and basically follow them.
What I remember is being in the bathtub / shower with the water warmed up and ready to go... Applying the nair and then kind of agitating the hairs until they started falling out. Then immediately work scrubbing with a wash cloth. I eventually grew confident enough to use it on my bio-male parts and the same procedure let me not get "burns". I also remember I limited how big of an area I'd cover. Probably tops of both thighs at the same time, inner thighs same time, in the middle below junk, above junk and mound. I think I felt if I applied too many places at once, burn might set in while I was still scrubbing?
I can remember thinking there really wasn't burning. And I have fairly sensitive skin. No matter the process of removal, hair growing back (for me) is among the shittiest day or two of my life. The bumps start, then the hairs start poking through and grabbing stuff. I can literally go batshit.
I use bump patrol on my skin as the bumps start to come in and it makes a huge difference.
Now-a-daze, I shave a couple times a week and also use at home IPL thing which is helping my hair go away. This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I use it everywhere below my eyebrows. And definitely believe it works. There are less hairs coming back. Lots of hair that do come back are coming back thinner. Also, when I pluck, sometimes hair comes out effortlessly and painlessly, which really reinforces my belief in the IPL thing working. Especially when the hair that fell out feels like a cat whisker.
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I've used nair in the past... Go easy with it if you try. It sorta works to thin the woolly
I really hate my facial hair too. I use this IPL thing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
It might be working? I'm pretty sure my hair is coming back less and/or thinner. I just wish there wasn't so much salt with the pepper in my beard...
I bought this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
It can really suck in places, so it probably works correctly for making hair less. Definitely isn't an overnight thing.
You struck a nerve here.
Not sure when it started but I suspect it was around the time of my hysterectomy. Just an occasional one... then there were more. Then both sides of the chin, and occasionally further down toward throat/neck area. Yesterday there was one in the middle of my cheek. Always stiff and black; I have naturally light brown (and now lots of gray) hair, if that's relevant.
Laser hair removal has been fantastic, though. Bought a "gun" for about $150 a few years back & been using it faithfully. I counted the number of stiff, black chin hairs before I started so I would know if it was working (there were about 60). Now the chin hair population is down to about 3 rather stubborn ones, but they will eventually yield like the rest.
Non-affiliated linked tools that help: aforementioned home laser hair removal thingy; [17X lighted mirror[(https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M18UETL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), and needle-nose tweezers. Best wishes!