You can get one of these on Amazon in the mid 50's (check for open box, very good or like new). I've had mine for about two years and it works great for the hobbyist.
That said... having been messing around with one of these for a while now (maybe a dozen or so sight jobs) it's honestly just as easy, just as fast, and significantly cheaper to stick your slide in a vice and use a non-marring punch. A 3" piece of 3/8" delrin rod is the perfect tool for this job. Wrap a belt around your slide before clamping down so you don't jack up the finish. I know you told the other guy off who mentioned this as well but it's sincerely worth considering... a $2 stick of delrin gets the job done just as well as a $140 sight pusher.
I just started experimenting so take this with a grain of salt because I'm super n00b to sight changing, but I bought this one for $57 open-box and it seems to work pretty well so far. Four sight changes in and only a couple minor hiccups (that were all 100% my fault for going too fast and not paying attention).
Best bet would be a brass punch set, a hammer and soft jaws (or wood) on a vise.
If you want something 'easier' this cheap and craptastic NCStar sight pusher is in your price range it works well on glock and M&P sights but did not work well on a couple Sig P320 front sights I tried with it
Im not sure it fits your use case though, its nice if you're planning on swapping out a few or fine adjusting rear sights on pistols but you will also need punches and a hammer for most dovetailed front sights and most rifles. A good vise is always a smart investment, brass punches are always nice to have around for gun work and who doesnt need a few extra ballpeen hammers of varying weight. Good luck!
Why not invest in a sight pusher? It's super easy, most likely cheaper than a gunsmith. I have this one\_1\_1?crid=263OT4OKGF6R8&keywords=ATG+Heavy+Duty+Universal+Pistol+Dovetailed+Rear+Sight+Pusher&qid=1666137924&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjAxIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInF...
My buddy had this one: ATG Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
In my case, the rear sight was locked in so tightly we had to vice mount the pusher. Notorious issue with the shield.
These sights move incredibly easy relative to steel sights, like others have noted. You should definitely upgrade them to steel night sights.
My advice would be a sight punch instead of a hammer and rod like other people use. You can get one for around $50 on Amazon and they’ll work with just about any pistol slide. I’ve got this one and it’s great. Keep in mind the actual sight push is metal and can scratch the top of the slide if not leveled properly.
Definitely get a sight pusher, especially if you plan to do more. This one works very well and is fairly inexpensive
Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
Bought this sight pusher and have been happy with us, good I vestment. Haven’t tried it on the max yet but it should work.
Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
I'm in Canada and it's pretty limited what sight pushers are available. I went with this one
yup. It’s very solid, and works great. Get a front sight tool too - it’s $5 or so typically. Ameriglo typically includes them if you buy from their site.
I do all my sight replacements. I bought this tool off Amazon and it works perfectly. The biggest thing is to clean and lubricate the threads. Also make sure the screws on the adjustment knobs are tight.
I have this one:
Changed sights on a Glock 19, a Glock 45, a Glock 21 and on my aftermarket slide for the 19.
It failed with the Sig P365, because the pusher is build so you can’t really fix the P365 slide to it and have enough surface to push.
I personally picked this rear sight pusher up on Amazon. I figured $45 is similar to what I would pay to have a gunsmith install sights and I will be able to do it as much as I need to in the future with it. Really straightforward and easy to not damage your slide. Also need to pick up a 3/16 hex for your front sight for a Glock.
I paid $60 for the tool when the gun shop wanted $75 to install the sights (ATG Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool ( it was an easy choice. Now, if I need to do it for my other pistols, I can do so easily without having to hammer them out.
I went with this one off Amazon. It seemed to have pretty good reviews for the most part. I've only used it a few times but I figured why not give it a shot since it would pay for itself after two successful uses
ATG Patch and Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool (Rear Sight Tool)
That's the one I bought. Great tool, and worth buying because taking it to a gunsmith can cost ya. Plus you can help friends out or use it on other guns you have.
If you’re planning on attaching and removing your sights multiple times or you have several jobs you’re planning on doing, you might want to pick up your own sight pusher. About a week ago I bought and used a sight pusher to install some Trijicon Suppressor Height Sights for my 17L.
If you’re curious, this is what I had used to install them. Just a matter of if you feel like you’re gonna have to remove them for a future event or etc.
Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
TRUGLO Glock Magazine Tool, Front Sight Tool and armorer's disassembly Tool
Yeah, expensive.
Buy your own install tool and never have to go to a gunsmith again. I've never gone to a gunsmith to install irons. Takes few tools.
I have the ATG Vism NcStar kit thing and it works really well. I've used it on 3 Glocks and 3 P80 kits. Easy to use. It even came with a nice case. Hard to beat for $50.
That vism pusher was the best $45 I've spent. Changed hundreds of sights with it. ATG Patch and Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
You can buy a sight pusher for about $50 online. I think it’s a great tool to have, but worst case the return policy on these items is quite generous.
I purchased this one and couldn't be happier. Got the job done effortlessly, can't ask for more. $56.99
I bought a rear sight pusher tool. It's a NCStar, but it's worked great for me on many guns.
DIY… Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
This is what I used. Took 10 minutes
Patch and NcSTAR Heavy Duty Universal Pistol Dovetailed Rear Sight Pusher Tool
I have a lot of Glocks (30+) plus clones and all but two (17L and P80) have their sights replaced or new ones installed — aside from an armorers nylon hammer, this is what I use:
Here ya go. I’ve gotten so much mileage out of it
Amazon special sight pusher FTW. not something i do often enough to justify spending a huge amount of money on it:
I use the ViSM/NC Star pusher. I have put on and taken off sights from at least 20 Glock or aftermarket slides. The key is to not drag the pusher across your finish (which I did on my first time). I have out on Trijicon HD sights, Ameriglo sights suppressor heights sights, Meprolight, and Truglo extra tall MOS sights with it. Works best with Glock slides, and not necessarily well with other slides like Beretta or 1911s. Also pick yourself up a Wheeler punch set. The hammer and plastic punches work well on the stock Glock sights. If you use the pusher on the plastic sights, it will deform them. Lastly get a front sight tool. This kit seems ok. I have a Dawson Precision front aight tool. They aren’t available on Amazon anymore but its nice because of the octagonal handle shape. Makes adding a vice grips to it to remove the stubborn sights much easier.