I used this book here https://www.amazon.com/TEAS-Test-Study-Guide-2018-2019/dp/1635302412/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1528171971&sr=8-5&keywords=teas+test. I began reading through it about a month before my test, getting familiar with the material. About 2 weeks before the test I really buckled down, really studying the sections that I didn't know as well. I took the practice test in this book, and one of the practice tests on the TEAS website. These really helped me isolate what I needed to focus on, and both practice tests were VERY similar to the actual TEAS test. I ended up getting a 92%, so I think my studying method worked pretty well!
I had also finished all prerequisites before taking the test, which I think helped a lot, particularly A&P.