I've looked into this, I think using a chip like this would be easiest to convert the signal from a pH probe into the Arduino.
If you google arduino and pH there are a few people on reddit and elsewhere who have done it and posted decently detailed descriptions, but I didn't find any that also used the chip I linked to.
Not at all, accuracy with a digital pH meter can be as good as 0.001 resolution. See: https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Scientific-Embedded-Circuit-001-14/dp/B00641R1PQ
Granted, this is only 1/4 pieces needed, but this can interface with a Pi or Arduino. I am building an auto-nutrient rig that will analyze leaf color (18 channel), AI for nutrient deficiencies based on that, and auto dosing and pH balancing of nutrients on an automatic scheduling. All while monitoring soil moisture, humidifier fill level, and light cycle.
Even my handheld meter measures to 0.01 accuracy. It is very accurate and precise. The Atlas Sci are much higher end. Keep in mind, this is fluid pH, if you wanted to measure soil pH, you would need probe in a run off tray. Soil pH meters Suuuuck (yes, all of them)!
Again your in a field you have no idea what your talking about bud. Go on Amazon and look. PH sensor Atlas Scientific EZO-pH Embedded pH Circuit .001-14 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00641R1PQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_qJ-UFbB5K24JJ again 40 bucks ... analog oh sensor Atlas Scientific Gravity Analog pH Sensor/Meter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SNGVH5T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_2J-UFbJEQQDBH 24$