I have 2 and I prefer my Dremel brand one because it has 5 speed settings whereas my B&D only has 3.
My Dremel is a 3000 but there are lots of options in the Dremel world. I would say to avoid wireless/battery operated ones if you plan to ever use it for metal cutting because battery operated ones tend to lack the speed and power of a corded model.
Also consider investing in a rotary file bit or 3 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y01TJ6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QyHszb8B7NJ72) - the circular cutting bits are a pain to angle sometimes and are useless for rounding corners, etc. A rotary file bit is great for when you want to shave away a surface instead of cut INTO a surface. Kinda hard to explain in text. You'll see what I mean if you ever try them in person.