I bought it many years ago and I don't think it even has a brand. It's just a cheap chinese made switch. It's similar to this one. I use my external speakers most of the time, but if I get a call on my computer, I can switch to headset quick. And I can mute my microphone. It doesn't do cameras though.
But you can also buy USB switches that will activate/deactivate a USB device.
That's how I use it. PC audio jack goes to an audio splitter which allows me to swap between speakers & headset at the press of a button.
For a console, you may want to utilize a lower impedance headset. Ultimately, this will give you a higher maximum volume while using less drain on your controller battery.
High impedance generally sounds better, but it requires amplification. That's why you rarely see 250 Ohm headsets being marketed toward gaming -- extra hardware is required to run them.
If the speakers have USB and 3.5mm, then they're using USB for power and getting audio from your built-in sound card. You'll have to look through the control panel for the sound card to see if it has that option anywhere. If it doesn't, you have a few options.
I just use a Media Hub switch that lets me just push a button on the switch to swap between headset and speaker. This is what I use. It works very well for my purposes.
I'm using this nice 13$ audio switch from Amazon. Works well. Not the best sound quality but totally worth the price.
I'm assuming you'd need an audio-switch, something like so: http://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Headset-Switching-Manhattan-172851/dp/B000K8PH8C/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1462993983&sr=1-4&keywords=audio+switch&refinements=p_72%3A1248879011
This will allow you to connect both devices (speakers and headset) to your computer, and switch between both with the click of a button. Comes down to preference on exactly what type of device you want- as well as what your hardware requires (how many jacks are needed..etc)
You can get something like this although you'd have to find one that matches your inputs.
I bought that one, I can confirm it works. It's kind of a hassle to plug into the back of the computer all the time though, so I bought this too https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000K8PH8C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 to put on top of my desk.
I couldn't get any adapter and male to female cables to make the receiver option more viable? I could get the http://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Headset-Switching-Manhattan-172851/dp/B000K8PH8C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380221754&sr=8-1&keywords=Audio+Speaker+Headset+Switch+box
But I just dislike the look so much. I can't find another switch box like it, though.
That's why I wanted to get a receiver instead. Worst comes to worst, I'd get that hub and 2 long male to female cables for the headset.
There are audio switches available such as this one from amazon that may be what you're looking for. In Home audio there are many more, but you may need 1/8" to RCA adapters to make them work with PC-generated audio.
I have external speakers plugged into the green port on the back and then my headphones plugged into the front and I just use the playback device pop up on the taskbar to switch back and forth.
You can get something like this or this if you want to just plug it into one port.
Here is a gadget that offers several control functions including mic mute:
I use one of these! Works exactly like you expect it too.
EDIT. I also just found this one with a different casing.
Use a 3.5mm switch or hub. Probably something like this. Caution: I have not used it personally.
If you don't need isolation, I would suggest you get 32ohm 880s, that have a much nicer flat frequency response and don't need an amp.
Then you can even get something like this to connect everything and change the volume if your computer's output doesn't have any issues.
Otherwise this external sound card will be ok: https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Xonar-U7-Sound-Card/dp/B00E7QA9E0/
hey guys. I have a pair of SHP9500s, 598SE's, and JBL pro III speakers. I currently have the speakers powered by a SMSL SA50 amp. This is what my setup looks like. Now my question is, how would I go about adding an "audio hub" under my desk to the left so I can plug my headphones in without reaching to the front of my PC? Do I get something like this? Would that degrade sound quality? Or should I get a headphone amp to use alongside the speaker amp? Is there a relatively cheap ($100) combination of the two? Can I even use two at the same time?
https://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Headset-Switching-Manhattan-172851/dp/B000K8PH8C hardware solution
software solution http://audioswit.ch/er#download
You mean like this?
Then you'll need a physical switch between your laptop and the screen, something like this perhaps.
I understand he is more looking for something like this:
It's somewhat tacky, but Something like this would do: http://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Headset-Switching-Manhattan-172851/dp/B000K8PH8C#
I am not sure if this will help, but I found This online.
I have one of these little suckers and I love it. Sits right on my desk. Just pick up the headset and hit the button and blammo.
It's "simulated surround sound" as with any headphones. But it uses the dolby bitstream over the optical signal. It does a very good job with directional sound (not great at above/below but excellent at 360 degrees around you) and it just sounds much better than 2.0 stereo all around.
The Mixamp plugs into the PS4 with an optical cable for system/game sound and with USB for power and chat function. Then my Sennheisers and Zalman mic plug into the headphone port on the Mixamp with the adapter we've discussed (I think the Mixamp actually came with one of those adapters IIRC).
I also have a small audio hub ran inline with my mic just for the mute function. But that's not required. Seen here...