I read that you use a mouse a lot from a reply, I highly recommend you use this as an alternative
This is a head tracker, it pairs with this software:
Open track has a very reliable mouse emulation. I've seen a game developer use a head tracker (although not this, he used the smart nav which is out of stock everywhere) and voice dictation for building his game hands free. I'm about to buy the delan head tracker soon.
For the accuracy, I recommend you buy a better mic like this https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-Hypercardioid-Headworn-Microphone-Connector/dp/B0002H068M
Pair this with a good audio interface and you're good. But if you have some money to spend and want great accuracy, get this https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1407826-REG/dpa_microphones_4188_dc_f_f00_lh_d_fine_core_4188_slim.html
Along with this audio interface https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1311237-REG/dpa_microphones_vimma_a_d_vice_2_channel_mobile_audio.html
Finally, join the talon slack community. The link is on their website. The creator there answers questions.
Something like this? Plus a small mixer or interface of course.