I ran into the issues you’re describing using raisers as well as the issues w/ sliding to the bottom of the bed with the wedge pillow and ultimately this ended up solving my problem. Was way cheaper than changing my whole setup and has held up surprisingly well. Super nice to sleep on my actual mattress rather than my wedge pillow and I stopped sliding down pretty quickly with this setup.
I like the full body elevator wedge. Wedge pillow was uncomfortable on my lower back.
Avana Mattress Elevator - Under Bed 7-Inch Incline Foam Support, Queen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077KHHG7K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_K0XRJQS88KQGBXM76H72?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My boyfriend made it as a Christmas gift (plywood and 2x6 boards), but there are a bunch on amazon! Here’s an example for a queen - Avana Mattress Elevator - Under Bed 7-Inch Incline Foam Support, Queen https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B077KHHG7K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A908CJT54N9WXZY4CG5W. The twins are a lot cheaper though.
Get yourself one of those wedges that goes under your mattress and keeps your top side elevated. Like this one. Don't eat too late and avoid foods that trigger it, especially in the evenings.
GERD is a pain in the butt and doctors will tend to just give you drugs that reduce the acidity of your stomach...not good for you in the long run. Better to treat it a different way if you can.
A wedge shaped foam under the mattress did WONDERS for my pregnancy reflux. Super worth the price tag. This type of thing: https://www.amazon.com/Avana-Mattress-Elevator-Incline-Support/dp/B077KHHG7K
You can try something like this.
I have been looking at mattress wedges https://www.amazon.com/Avana-Mattress-Elevator-Incline-Support/dp/B077KHHG7K
Making the frame tilt in a way it wasn't intended could cause it to bend or break, you could try it but I'm not that brave.
I hate a wedge pillow since it puts strain on my back. Has anyone tried an under mattress foam wedge Amazon link