I really recommend the free MS Trust Publications
They’re kept by MS nurses in the UK - I think every time I asked a question, they pulled down the relevant booklet, so the info is pretty much as accurate as you can get. Actually, all the info on the website is really good
On a personal level, I read Awkward Bitch: My Life With MS not long after I was diagnosed, and found it really inspiring, definitely made me feel less alone, and was kind of a blueprint for how I wanted to approach living with MS
For understanding MS itself, I don’t think you can do much better than the MS Trust publications
and the best book I’ve found about actually living with it is Awkward Bitch It’s not as aggressively feminine as the cover suggests, but a really honest look at having a normal life (job, partner, kids etc) after diagnosis. It’s the only book/blog that I’ve identified with