Or here's another one I found today from this book: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08B563TN7
>An application scans a DDB once per day during non-peak hours when production uses about 50% of allocated throughput. How can you MINIMIZE the time it takes to produce the report without affecting production workloads (pick 2)
>1. Use a parallel scan
>2. Increase Read Capacity Units during the scan operation
>3. Use the limit parameter
Obviously, 1 is correct, but the answer key said that the other correct answer is 3 because 2 would increase costs. 3 would prevent you from using all of the RCUs during the scan. Throttling the operation won't minimize the time it takes, and optimizing for cost wasn't included as a requirement.
So this answer is flagrantly wrong! Should I expect to have to second-guess things like this in the test? Where I'm expected to optimize for metrics that aren't specified, sometimes at the expense of metrics that are?