I liked working out of a book, but the book didn’t have everything. I used Tutorial Dojo practice tests and I watched a few videos from AWS (Power Hour and Exam Preparedness). There are also tons of AWS tutorials/labs that you can find. Do a few EC2, S3 and Elastic Beanstalk.
Book I used — https://www.amazon.com/Certified-Solutions-Architect-Study-Guide/dp/1119713080/
Great. Just wanted to confirm if this is the book you used?
I liked it and used it to pass. Not perfect, but covers most basics. I’d look up any wrong answers from practice tests and take extra notes in the book.
How do you best learn? Do you learn best from watching videos, from reading, or by hands on practice?
If you are a video person give the Udemy course a shot. I used it, personally didn't like it because frankly Stephane's voice annoys me.
What I found the most useful was this book -
And setting up an AWS free tier account and getting some hands-on practice.
How good are you at multiple choice exams? If you struggle with them, some things you can do -
I failed SAA CO2 once and passed by the skin of my teeth on the second take. It's a hard test, you got to bring your A game to it.