It will 'work'. "Work Well" it will not. You already will have little control with this particular ab as it is single-action so it's pretty much, paint... no paint when you press/depress the trigger. Added to that, there is no air regulator along the line so you are at the mercy of the co2 can's PSI out put at the time of use which can vary greatly depending on temp, time of day, humidity, and how much propellant is left on the tank. You're pretty much at the mercy of the wind with this setup. The only thing you really have control of is turning it on/off.
And if it is indeed the type by Testor's found in Michaels that I've seen, it's not even the same type you linked to OP, it's of an even poorer build that looks to be an all-plastic construction that simply attaches to the standard small Testor's bottle and siphons off the container. That version of their 'Ready-to-go' starter kit looks like it could break if you simply stared at it wrong.